Clinton’s Lost Votes

Establishment Democrats love to blame third party voters for Clinton losing, but The New York Times recently had data disputing this. They looked at people who voted for Obama in 2012 but did not vote for Clinton in 2016:

6 Million voted for Trump.
4.4 Million didn’t vote
2.3 Million voted Third Party

Democratic loses from other sources were therefore a far greater factor in Clinton’s loss than third party voters.

What Mueller Did Not Say Today

What Mueller did not say today:

1) When he said Russia interfered in the election, he left out the important perspective that interference in foreign elections is common place, and that the United States has done it more often than Russia.

2) He did not point out how trivial the alleged Russian interference was. If Russia was responsible for hacking DNC email, this only provided truthful information about Clinton and the DNC. If Clinton lost because of this, this still leaves Clinton and the DNC responsible for her loss. The social media campaign was trivial, representing an astronomically small percentage of social media traffic, and it is absurd to claim this had any impact. Much of the social media had nothing to do with the election. Other aspects such repeated what others were saying but in far greater numbers.

3) The claims that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC may or may not be true. However, keep in mind that this is based upon the opinions of a handful of people in the intelligence community who have never provided evidence of this. It is hardly surprising that a handful of people in the intelligence community expressed an anti-Russia opinion. Also keep in mind that Mueller previously trusted false information from the intelligence community in testifying before Congress that Saddam had WMD.

4) Brushed over in today’s statement was the clear finding of his written report that there is no evidence of any conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to alter the election results. Mueller did show evidence of obstruction of justice, and left it to Congress to take action related to this.

Democrats Can’t Take Progressive Votes For Granted

How To Get Rid Of Donald Trump

Mueller Wrapping Up Soon

I will be glad when we stop hearing Russiagate conspiracy theorists say “wait for Mueller to finish.” What will they say if he finishes and still has provided zero evidence to support their claims? Hopefully they will be satisfied with the overwhelming evidence that Trump is a crook, and drop the Russia conspiracy theories about the 2016 election–but I doubt it.

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Trump’s Unprecedented Abuse of Power

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Abuse of Presidential Powers

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