It is fitting that Donald Trump, who claimed that “I alone can fix it,” couldn’t make it through his entire first year without breaking the government. Donald Trump has been among the worst presidents ever. However, while the past year under Trump might have been the worst of times, it was not the worst of all possible times. Trump’s first year has been terrible, but we must also be appreciative all those spared from dying in Hillary’s wars over the past year.
Donald Trump and the Republicans have been terrible on many issues, including health care, race, and immigration. As I had previously predicted, Trump has been totally incoherent on foreign policy. He has escalated a potential nuclear crisis in North Korea, but we also must not forget that Hillary Clinton was largely responsible for the situation and peace would have probably have been impossible if she was in the White House. Clinton’s push to overthrow Muammar Qaddafi based upon lies after he surrendered his nuclear weapons, along with her joining with her neocon allies in lying us into the Iraq war, have been cited by both Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin as reasons for their nuclear buildup and other foreign policy actions.
Donald Trump’s relations with Russia have been mixed, and evidence has grown of both a history of financial crimes and an attempt at a cover-up over the past year. At least Trump’s financial crimes are under investigation, while Democrats regularly make excuses for the influence peddling of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The irony is that, after the risk of deterioration of relations with Russia and a return to a Cold War atmosphere was feared by many should Clinton become president, Clinton has managed to create hysteria over Russia without even being elected. While Trump is probably guilty of money laundering and a obstruction of justice, the evidence to date has contradicted conspiracy theories which appear to have been fabricated Clinton and the DNC to blame Clinton’s loss on Russia. With Clinton continuing to promote belligerence towards Russia even out of office, using conspiracy theories to get Democrats to embrace her neoconservative interventionism, it is of considerable concern as to how much greater harm Clinton could be doing in the White House.
Donald Trump has been terrible for civil liberties as president, including his attacks on the press. It must not be forgotten that even before the election Clinton had far right wing views on civil liberties which were not all that different from Trump’s. Donald Trump has ignored the norms of a democratic society, but since the election Clinton has also continued her attack on civil liberties and has attacked the fundamental principles of democracy, including the legitimacy of election results. Both Clinton and Trump have cited fake news, which often means information critical of them, as justification to call for censorship.
While many Republicans have little respect for civil liberties, in the past year we have seen Democrats engage in McCarthyism as part of their anti-Russia hysteria. The Democratic Party as a whole turned out to be worthless when faced with a vote to renew and expand warrantless surveillance as many joined with Republicans. If many Democrats were unwilling to stand up to Donald Trump on a fundamental civil liberties issue, I would expect even fewer to resist calls for increased powers by an authoritarian like Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump has been a terrible president, but at least his faults are widely recognized, and his falsehoods are regularly exposed. Donald Trump might have authoritarian tendencies, but if so he is a very weak authoritarian. He has brought about serious damage to the entire Republican and conservative brands, likely doing far less damage than Hillary Clinton would have been capable of.
The author of this screed is full of shit!
We don't know what Clinton WOULD have done!
What We DO know is she didn't get a chance to do it in part BECAUSE of Russian interference and what is looking more and more everyday like collusion WITH GOP/Republican Party supporters, specifically Dotard 45 and his minions!
What we DO have is a Party that IS in control of all THREE branches of OUR government AND IS a clear and present danger to OUR Nation and democracy!
Our government is shut the fuck down as I type this!
The SECOND time in 4 years by the SAME political party … the GOP/Republican Party!
THAT is called a FACT!
NOW …what are WE the People gonna do about it???????
We do know Clinton’s record and views, making it possible to make reasonable predictions as to what she would do. She does have quite a long and detailed record to go by. This includes her years in the Senate, her term as Secretary of State, her attacks on Obama’s foreign policy for not being hawkish enough after she left the State Department, and her actions over the past year.
Clinton is a dangerous war monger, and a dangerous authoritarian, even by her own criteria. When she was concerned over whether Trump would accept the election results, she called this “a direct threat to democracy.” Now she is the one who refuses to accept the election result.
You provided evidence of how dangerous Clinton is in your own comment. There is evidence of money laundering by Trump and his associates, along with obstruction of justice to cover this up, but not only is there no evidence of Russia affecting the election results, the evidence from the past year has often contradicted this claim. There is also evidence that Clinton and the DNC fabricated this claim to deny blame for their actions which resulted in Trump becoming president.
Did you even bother to read the links in the post? Do you have any interest in the facts as opposed to reciting partisan propaganda?
The shutdown is certainly a sign of incompetence by the Republican Party, but the Democratic Party also played politics to help bring this about. Regardless of this silly blame game, both parties are terrible, and this has no bearing on how bad things would be with Clinton in the White House.