After Clinton’s major defeat in New Hampshire the race moves on to Nevada, where various commentators are noting the smell of fear from the Clinton camp with their dishonest spin, and predicting that the race might “be tighter than predicted” and even that, “I feel the Clinton firewall cracking.” The Clinton camp are claiming that Nevada is 80 percent white and much like Iowa and New Hampshire. A Nevada political observer sets the record straight:
Nevada’s Hispanic population is about 27 percent. African-Americans and Asian/Pacific Islanders make up; almost 10 percent. That is, nearly half of the state’s population is made up of minorities.
The Democratic caucus population was 35 percent minority in 2008, according to exit polls, and is expected to be as high as 40 percent in 2016, according to local Democratic sources. This is nothing like the 90 percent white caucus participation in Iowa, for instance.
One Clinton campaign source explained that some of the campaign’s modeling showed an 80 percent turnout in Nevada come Feb. 20. This would be the model constructed after 14 martinis, perhaps. Or, more likely, one that does not exist except in the fevered imaginations and panicked consciousnesses of a Clinton organization that just last year was touting its minority outreach in Nevada.
The inestimable Adam Nagourney of The New York Times ignored the nonsense in a piece Wednesday that pointed out that Nevada is “as racially diverse as Iowa and New Hampshire are not.”
There is no reliable polling in Nevada — at least not yet. But the conventional wisdom had been that Clinton had a huge advantage here, especially because Team Sanders did not arrive until October. Not anymore
Plus confirmation that the Justice Department is also investigating the Clinton Foundation cannot be good news for Hillary.