Senate Republicans have blocked a Democratic proposal to increase veteran’s benefits. The Hill reports:
Senate Republicans stopped Democrats from advancing a bill that would have expanded healthcare and education programs for veterans.
In a 56-41 vote Thursday, the motion to waive a budget point of order against the bill failed, as Democrats fell short of the 60 votes needed to overcome the Republican roadblock.
GOP Sens. Dean Heller (Nev.) and Jerry Moran (Kan.) voted with Democrats.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) refused to allow a GOP substitute amendment to get an up-or-down vote because it included Iran sanctions, which he said were unrelated to veterans’ issues.
“I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill,” Reid said Thursday. “Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”
Why do I have a sense of deja vu in reading this story? Maybe because it has become quite common for Republicans to pretend to support the vets while opposing benefits backed by Democrats. A quick Google search for Republicans oppose veterans benefits brought up plenty of hits from previous examples.
Veterans–one of many groups who vote against their self-interest when they vote for Republicans.