Some thought we would never make it, but the big 50 is really in site. No, I’m not talking about the 50 anniversary of Doctor Who. We now have a real chance for the House to hit fifty votes to attempt to repeal ObamaCare, with number 40 reached today:
The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.
Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.
“Aren’t you embarrassed to go a 40th time in a fruitless, hopeless act?” he asked. “The Republican Party is like the Bourbons of France: They forget nothing because they never learned anything.”
- Allowing insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions
- Allowing insurance companies to drop coverage when beneficiaries become too expensive to insure
- Blocking the insurance exchanges which will allow many people to purchase health care coverage at a lower rate than is now available on the individual market
- Ending subsidies to help those who cannot afford to purchase individual coverage
- End subsidies to small business to help provide coverage to employees
- Ending the provision of preventative services with no out of pocket costs
- Restoring the donut hole, making prescription drugs more expensive for seniors