House Majority Leader Agrees Anti-Semitism Is A Problem In GOP Caucus

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor appears to acknowledge that the House Republican caucus has a problem with anti-Semitism in the exchange in the above video. In his response he also seems to recognize their problem with racism. Of course when talking about Republicans, there’s also the problems of xenophobia, homophobia, and, of course, their war on women.

The problem is that these aren’t just problems which can be corrected. Use of fear and hatred is an integral part of what the Republican Party is. When their policies are only beneficial for one-percent of the population, they have no choice but to find ways to scare others into voting for them.


  1. 1
    waly mury says:

    Cantor Agrees Anti-Semitism A Problem In GOP Caucus. Then there's racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia #p2 #topprog

  2. 2
    fissifrons says:

    Cantor Agrees Anti-Semitism A Problem In GOP Caucus. Then there's racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia #p2 #topprog

  3. 3
    John Sonntag says:

    RT @ronchusid: House Majority Leader Agrees Anti-Semitism Is A Problem In GOP Caucus #p2 #p21 #topprog

  4. 4
    John Chase Maxwell says:

    House Majority Leader Agrees Anti-Semitism Is A Problem In GOP Caucus – (via #sociablesite)

  5. 5
    Horace Brown says:

    House Majority Leader Agrees Anti-Semitism Is A Problem In GOP Caucus –

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