Osama bin Laden is still dead, and there is a lot of interesting things to read since the initial post here (which includes video and text of President Obamas statement).
Business Insider reports that President Obama watched the raid live via a helmet-cam. The picture above shows Obama and others watching in the Situation Room.
The New York Times reports on the detective work which helped make this possible. Remember when George Bush mocked John Kerry for stressing the importance of intelligence and police work (along with military action) in fighting terrorism?
Marc Ambinder reports on the secret team which carried out the attack.
WikLleaks claims documents show that Pakistan protected bin Laden. Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan, Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, called it “inconceivable” that Pakistan was not providing a “support system” for Osama bin Laden.
Wing nuts on Andrew Breitbart’s web site came up with new conspiracy theory that bin Laden is not dead. They have been labeled “deathers.” Joe Scarborough, who should know better, engages in wing nut thought claiming Obama’s base did not want bin Laden dead. Of course there are nuts on the left as well as the right, with Cindy Sheehan joining those who claim that bin Laden is not dead.
There are varying views as to how what degree the death of bin Laden will affect Obama politically. While the election will still be more likely to be decided by the economy, this could be huge. A common conservative meme is that Obama is not up for the job. Comparing this action to how Bush botched his chance against bin Laden at Tora Bora shows what a competent president really looks like. It will also be quite hard for conservatives to get away with the claims that they could keep the country safer or that liberals are soft on terrorism.
Twitter has had a CNN moment with coverage of the attack. TechCrunch reports that this was a record evening on Twitter with 4000 tweets per second. Here’s a story on the person who first reported news of the raid via Twitter. Keith Urbahn is given credit for being the first to tweet having a reliable source that bin Laden was dead.
Google has already mapped out bin Laden’s hideout.