Back Up and Running

The blog is back up after our server had to do some emergency maintenance and was down for the last few hours. Hopefully this will also help with some of the intermittent connection problems of the last several days.

As we’ve picked up many new readers (as most political blogs have) since the party conventions, I should repeat an old notice that if the blog is down for a prolonged period of time you can check this site for information on the blog’s status. The site might also be used for posting if we are ever down for several hours or more. This remains a possibility as when busy Liberal Values often reaches the resource limits for this account. Changes such as using a cache have remedied the problem for now, but if we grow much larger it will be necessary to migrate to a new server. Worst case scenario is that the blog won’t be accessible for a few days and the alternative site will be used temporarily. I suggest that regular readers bookmark the alternative site in case the link from here is not available.

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