Kerry Was Right, Again

Robert Elisberg has another one of those post-2004 stories which shows that Kerry was right. This time it is regarding nuance:

When John Kerry ran for President against George Bush, one of the major issues that GOP pundits had with him was that he was “nuanced.” Oh, my, they had a lovely field day about that. Nuance, hahaha. This isn’t a nuanced world, they laughed. It’s black and white, and George Bush knows that.

John Kerry wants to nuance it. That’s what’s wrong with John Kerry, they tittered. Nuance.


Last week, the one man left who George Bush is relying on to protect his back in Iraq, General David Petraeus, made his latest plea for support, saying he’ll come back in September with a report on the progress of the Surge. And how does he – the man George Bush is putting all his reliance on – plan to describe that report?

“People always want to get a sense of thumbs up or thumbs down,” the General said. “What I’d like to provide is a nuanced paragraph. And what we’ll end up with is something in between.”

Gee. Go figure. Nuance.

The man – no, not just any man, but a tough-as-nails Army General, no less – right there in the middle of the Iraq War, one of George Bush’s beloved “soldiers on the ground” (indeed, THE soldier on the ground), the General who supposedly knows the situation in Iraq better than anyone in the world…he says the situation in Iraq is “nuanced.”

No doubt Republicans are laughing their keisters off and ridiculing the apparently Frenchified General Petraeus. No doubt GOP talk-show airwaves are heated up, ripping Monsieur le General endlessly about his dapper, high-toned outlook at the fighting. No doubt Administration officials will be making speeches deriding such an out of touch military leader whose brain has gotten not just fried, but French fried. Either than, or all their bile is choking in their throats.

Considering that former Bush strategist Matthew Dowd recently wrote an unpublished op-ed piece titled “Kerry Was Right” about withdrawal from Iraq, this ongoing post-approval of John Kerry by Administration insiders must be galling to the Radical Right. (Or “gaulling,” as the French like to say.).

SciFi Friday: Lost Secrets, Reinventing 24, and Debra Messing’s Breasts

Many of the network shows are winding down towards season finales. This week’s episode of Lost had Sawyer talking about Locke’s propensity to blow up everything, as I’ve commented on in recent weeks. We also found that Sawyer and Locke had something unexpected in common, and that those who supply The Others with information have a remarkable ability to get information on the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 (even as we find that, to the outside world, there were no survivors if we can trust Naomi.) I find it doubtful than hanging out with The Others will turn out well for Locke, but at least he told Sawyer about how Juliette was working with The Others. Far too often characters get caught up in their own little stories and ignore the big picture, and ignore information which might be useful to other characters. ABC will be showing a special on May 17 looking at the mysteries on Lost in preparation for the season finale:

Hosted by “Lost” executive producers Damon Lindelof (also a co-creator of the show) and Carlton Cuse, the special will revisit mysteries that have been solved, including why a polar bear is on an island in the South Pacific, who the real father of Sun’s baby is, what caused the crash of Oceanic flight 815, who was in the hatch, what happened to the Dharma group, how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, what Kate did to become one of America’s most wanted, and the identity of the real Sawyer — who conned James Ford’s parents – leading to their deaths. In addition, mysteries that remain unsolved will also be explored.

The producers of 24 realize they have tried to do the same story too many times, and is talking about reinventing the show:

“I don’t dispute it’s been a challenging season to write for us. But it’s reinvigorated our determination to reinvent the show. This year could be seen to be the last iteration of it in its current state.”

I’ve previously commented that the structure of the show is too limiting, and perhaps they should tell the next story over 24 days or weeks to allow for more complex development than is possible in a single day.

Jehrico is ending the season with some excitement as they are under attack from a neighboring city. There might not be any practical use for that nuke that Hawkins has hidden away, but what about that tank? I hope they conclude tihs story line and don’t leave it as a cliff hanger. And was that preview for next week really showing that Heather is still alive?

Don’t bother searching for torrents for this week’s episode of Doctor Who. The BBC has postponed this week’s episode until next week, and the remainder of the shedule will also be moved back one week. Last week’s episode, Evolution of the Daleks, was a disappointing conclusion to the two part Daleks episode.

Tony and Ridley Scott are producing a miniseries based upon The Andromedia Strain by Michael Crichton for A&E.

Getting to our usual drift away from science fiction, If you’ve had more than enough over the controversy over a female blogger’s breasts, how about changing the topic to Debra Messing’s breasts:

Yesterday during “Look Who’s Laughing,” Tribeca Film Festival’s panel on women and comedy, Debra Messing claimed that NBC execs tried to increase her cup size on the set of Will & Grace. “When we shot the pilot, I was handed chicken cutlets in the wardrobe,” she said. “They’re like silicone boobs for women who have mastectomies. And I wore them. After the show was picked up, I said, ‘I don’t want to wear these. I actually like the idea that she’s completely flat-chested. I think there’s comedy in that.’ We shot three episodes, and then I was called to my executive producer’s office, who sat me down and said, ‘We got a call from the president of NBC, and he said, “What happened to her boobs?”‘ They were not happy. The show [was about] gay men, and I had to be the woman. They said, ‘You have to wear them.’ And I said, ‘I won’t.’ I left it in their hands.” The network eventually dropped the issue.

As mentioned yesterday, Gilmore Girls is coming to an end. At least this might open up a spot for Veronica Mars, especially if the new format without extended mysteries, which started this week, works out.

The non-surprising but still interesting revelation of the week came on Brothers and Sisters. Just because someone has a line like, “Just because you’re a whore, doesn’t make me one” doesn’t mean she isn’t one. Did anyone really believe Rebecca was the innocent girl who was attacked by her half-sister’s husband?

Correction: It is the May 12 episode of Doctor Who which is being delayed one week. The Lazarus Experiment will air tonight as scheduled.

Only Three Republican Candidates Do Not Believe in Evolution

So much for my comments earlier that Huckabee sometimes manages to come off sounding saner than his fellow Republicans. Huckabee, along with Brownback and Tancredo, flunked the sucker question. These three were the only ones to answer that they don’t believe in evolution at the Republican debate. The question of a flat versus round earth did not come up.

It is pretty pathetic when even three candidates do not believe in one of the fundamental principles of modern biology, but for a party which frequently expresses a world view which is counter to reality, this was better than expected. (Hat tip to Crooks and Liars for the screen capture.)