I am Dr. Doom

I’ve previously revealed, thanks to on line quizes (whose reliabilty cannot be questioned) that if I was a Superhero I’d be Spiderman. I also found that I’m lightly nerdy and an autonomous rebel. Now I’ve found which Super Villian I am:

Your results:
You are Dr. Doom

Dr. Doom
Lex Luthor
The Joker
Mr. Freeze
Green Goblin
Dark Phoenix
Poison Ivy
Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.

Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test

Is Their A Cash Prize With This Award?

SciFi Friday: Who Never Heard of The Brady Bunch?

Most fans found the last episode of Lost to be disappointing. Two weeks ago we saw how Juliet wound up with the others, and last week we saw that Desmond might be unstuck in time like Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse-Five. (Some people even speculate that they are all unstuck in time, having gone back to before personal catastrophes such as Locke getting stuck in the wheel chair, allowing them a chance to have things be different.) After these two episodes we had hopes for something great as the promos promised to reveal secrets. It was a real let down to find that the biggest secret revealed was how Jack got his tatoos. It was just another story of Jack searching for himself and being destined to be a great leader.

Another secret revealed is that Cindy and other Tallies were alive and with the Others as some sort of Watchers. What they were watching wasn’t clear, but most likely it was either Juliet’s hearing or this is something left vague dealing with the Dharma project. The whole time Jack, Kate, and Sawyer were with the Others it seemed strange that they weren’t trying to get more information as to what is going on. Now Jack had a chance to talk to someone who just might answer some questions and he throws a tantrum instead. Sawyer and Kate also mgiht have asked Karl a bit more. At least they found out that he never heard of The Brady Bunch, which suggests that either he spent his entire life on the island or that they really fried his mind in that room he was rescued from (using the old Wookie Prisoner Trick.)

While this episode of Lost was disappointing, they are still up for several Saturn Awards from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. From Slice of Scifi:

In the television categories, “Lost” continued to find nominations, receiving a total of 6. NBC’s newcomer “Heroes” burst onto the scene, earning 5 nominations, followed closely by Sci Fi’s “Battlestar Galactica” and Showtime’s “Dexter,” each garnering 4 nominations, while TNT’s “The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines” discovered 3 nominations.

Slice of SciFi also reports that Claudia Black has an upcoming guest appearance on Dresden Files:

The SCI FI Channel will be sharing its wealth of talent and lending them to some of their newer projects. For example, Claudia Black of Stargate SG-1 and Farscape fame has just finished filming a guest-starring role on the network’s new original series “The Dresden Files.”

In the episode, entitled “The Other Dick,” Claudia will play the role of Liz Fontaine, a boistrous, and pushy private eye with a her own shady past she’d like kept hidden. This is a perfiect role for Black, just think legal-eagle and talk-show host Erin Brockovich with an attitude and a gun.

Lucy Lawless will also be back on televison after her fellow Cylons pulled the plug on her. She will play a ruthless spouse on the US adaptation of Footballers’ Wives.

President Palmer Defends Obama

TV Squad quotes DB Woodside, who plays President Wayne Palmer on 24 as being supportive of Barack Obama:

Woodside also said he thinks comparisons between the fictional Wayne Palmer and the real-life presidential campaign of Illinois Senator Barack Obama are “unfair.” Admitting that Wayne Palmer is untested and not very commanding, he told the magazine that Obama is just the opposite and is “the most exciting candidate to come on the scene in my lifetime.”

I’ve already noted that The West Wing may have helped Bill Richardson by giving us a hispanic president as the series ended. 24 has now had two black presidents and Commander-In-Chief had a woman President possibly making Obama and Hillary Clinton appear more plausible as presidents. (Or is 24 trying to sell us on the idea of a brother of a former president, considering what we know about the conservative bias of some of the creators of the show?)

You have to feel sorry for John Edwards who is placed at a disadvantage by television portrayals of people like his opponents as president. People just might not take his campaign seriously, as they have trouble seeing a trial lawyer as president. Perhaps Boston Legal will quickly have Denny Crain get elected president.

Can’t Fool Those College Kids

Former Democrat Joe Lieberman calls for a cease-fire. In other words, he wants members of the party he left to quit reminding everyone of how badly the policy he supported, and then opposed, and now supports again, is going. You can’t fool those college kids. From the report at CT News Junkie:

As the press was called off by Lieberman’s handlers, a Wesleyan student who had attended the “No Child Left Behind” discussion that brought Lieberman to Hartford Friday, asked him why he changed his stance on the war after the election.

Mike Pernick said during his campaign Lieberman promised to bring the troops home as soon as possible and now he supports a plan to increase troop levels. “It doesn’t make sense,” Pernick said.

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Freedom From Religion Foundation To Take Case To Supreme Court

The Freedom From Religion Foundation will be taking a lawsuit to the Supreme Court over Bush’s faith based initiatives. AP reports, “The court will decide whether taxpayers can sue over federal funding that the foundation believes promotes religion. It could be a major ruling for groups that fight to keep church and state separate.” They quote the groups founder, Annie Laurie Gaylor as saying, “ What’s at stake is the right to challenge the establishment of religion by the government.” AP also reports that the organization has been growing in recent years in response to challenges to maintaining separation of church and state:

Its leaders say the surge in membership reflects a U.S. population that is becoming less religious and growing liberal alarm since Bush’s re-election.

“There was a feeling that there was almost a near religious-right takeover of our government and that we better speak up now,” Gaylor said.

The American Religious Identification Survey in 2001 estimated that 29 million Americans had no religion, double the number from 1990. The survey, which was conducted by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, estimated that 1.9 million identified themselves as atheist or agnostic.

Before its battle against the faith-based initiative, the group stopped prayers during the University of Wisconsin’s commencement and overturned Good Friday as a state holiday in Wisconsin.

“We’ve applied some very needed pressure through going to court on keeping state and church separate,” said the elder Gaylor, 80. “We hope we’ve done some educating that will be lasting.”

Vilsack Dropping Out of Race

Apparently nobody bought the idea of the former DLC Chair trying to position himself among the strongest opponents of the war. Tom Vilsack reportedly will be announcing he is dropping out within the next hour. The most likely beneficiary (if anyone can crack the top tier) appears to be Bill Richardson. This also eliminates the possibility that candidates might have been able to skip Iowa if Vilsack had able to dominate the caucuses in his home state.

Update: Online reports are starting to appear, such as from AP and The Fix.

Hints About Obama as President, and Candidate

The big question about Obama has been over his lack of experience, with most of his experience coming from his years in the Illinois legislature. The Wall Street Journal looks back at those years and finds some elements which might indicate he could make a good President. He’s described as a “lawmaker of lofty, liberal rhetoric who nonetheless pragmatically accepted bipartisan compromises that won over foes — and sometimes left supporters dissatisfied.”

Now that he is running as a presidential candidate, after just two years in the U.S. Senate, most clues about what style of politics he would bring to the White House are here in Illinois’s Statehouse

Mr. Obama wrote in his recent, best-selling memoir that it was in Springfield that he learned “how the game had come to be played” between Democrats and Republicans: “I understood politics as a full-contact sport, and minded neither the sharp elbows nor the occasional blindside hit.” The Obama campaign’s tangle this week with that of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton shows a willingness to engage in intraparty spats, as well. Yet he also wrote that through his state Senate years he “clung to the notion that politics could be different,” less combative, more bipartisan. He has put that notion at the heart of his presidential bid.

Illinois Republicans recall Mr. Obama as a committed liberal of no singular achievements, yet one they could work with to pass ethics, welfare and death-penalty revisions. “He’s unique in his ability to deal with extremely complex issues, to reach across the aisle and to deal with diverse people,” says Republican state Sen. Kirk Dillard. “If he surrounds himself with good people, I wouldn’t lose any sleep with him as my president.”

The ability to work with the opposing party while still maintaining liberal principles could be essential for a Democratic president to accomplish their goals. First he would need to get elected. Bloomberg looks at his strategy of using the netroots:

Obama, 45, is relying on a grassroots effort aimed at online activists — what political operatives call a “netroots” strategy — to help him compete in a primary race that may come with an entry fee of $100 million. Clinton, 59, has already locked up many of the top Democratic business leaders and activists known as “bundlers” who can use their networks to gather maximum contributions from individuals.

While Obama is sometimes compared to Howard Dean in using the internet, this strategy was also used successfully by John Kerry:

Senator John Kerry raised about $80 million on the Internet. That helped him compete with the deep pockets of President George W. Bush, who in 2000 became the first party nominee to raise $100 million for a primary campaign, thanks to big-money bundlers.