Donald Trump claims he would go into a school where there is a shooter to protect the kids, even if unarmed. Nobody seems to believe him (other than perhaps his delusional base). Eli Rosenberg has described his actual record of appearing cowardly in response to danger. Late night comedians took the opportunity to mock him.
Stephen Colbert (video above) said, “There’s a lot in there that I doubt, but the part I really don’t believe is that he can run.” Colbert also said, “Look, sir, we already know how you react to combat situations. You got five deferments from Vietnam. What are you gonna do, run in there and stab ’em with your bone spurs?”
Seth Meyers took A Closer Look (video above) said:
There’s really nothing worse than a fake tough guy. Trump lives in a fantasy world where he’s some sort of action movie star who’d rush into danger and save the day.
I’m sorry but you’re not exactly Liam Neeson, If you’d been in the movie Taken, they would’ve had to change the name.” The name he suggested was, My Daughter’s Gone, Let’s Move On.
Meyers also said, ““I gotta say, I find it hard to believe Trump would voluntarily run inside a place of education. The only way you would run inside is if a reporter asked you a question outside.”
Trevor Noah (video above) said, “It would be ridiculous coming from anyone, but especially from Trump. He’s gonna run in? Yo, when Trump ran for president, that was the first time he ran in his entire life.” Along these lines Noah also said, ““Really? Trump cares so much about helping people that he’d jump into the middle of a school shooting with nothing but his fun-size fists?”
Noah mocked the idea with this suggestion for how it might have played out:
To be fair if Donald Trump ran into a school during a shooting, I do believe he would stop the shooting. Imagine you’re a school shooter and Donald Trump appears in the hallway — how distracting would that be?
That’s right, it’s me, Donald Trump. I don’t have a gun, but what I do have is an amazing electoral college victory. Then, like eight minutes later, the police show up and Trump is still talking.
It is hard to believe that Donald Trump would face actual gunfire, as Hillary Clinton claims she faced sniper fire when she flew into Bosnia in 1996. Check out the video of Clinton facing sniper fire from Funny or Die:
QUESTION. Why is Clinton meantioned in THIS story?
She is NOT an elected official, does NOT work in any government!
Is NOT running for any position!
IS NOT leading any political, public or private organizations!
AND the story about her is NOT relevant to this story about a 5 time deferred draft dodger who STATES he'd run into a fuselage of automatic gun fire unarmed WITH his bare hands to save people he doesn't know at a place he'd never go … a PUBLIC school!
Clinton is still a prominent politician. She remains active in politics, promoting her usual authoritarian, warmongering agenda. She continues to attack the left and to attack Democratic norms. Clinton and Trump are sort of tied together considering how they ran against each other in 2016, and both act as if the campaign was still in progress. When I heard Trump’s ridiculous comment regarding rushing into the school in the face of gun shots, it reminded me of Clinton’s claim of having faced sniper fire in Bosnia. As this is primarily a humor post, the Bosnia video fit in well.