Donald Trump has many views which are outside of the Republican mainstream. His racist and xenophobic views are outside of what many Republicans might admit to, but are views shared by far too many. Trump’s actions and statements have led to support from some Republicans, opposition from others, and far too many are remaining quiet, with many in the party establishment continuing to support him, despite strained relations.
John Danforth has criticized Donald Trump in an op-ed entitled, The real reason Trump is not a Republican, and compared him to George Wallace:
The Republican Party has a long history of standing for a united country. Theodore Roosevelt raised up the ordinary people of his day and championed their cause against abusive trusts. Dwight Eisenhower used the army to integrate a Little Rock high school. George H.W. Bush signed the most important civil rights legislation in more than a quarter-century, a bill authored by Republican senators. George W. Bush stood before Congress and the nation and defended Muslims after 9/11. Our record hasn’t been perfect. When we have pushed the agenda of the Christian right, we have seemed to exclude people who don’t share our religious beliefs. We have seemed unfriendly to gay Americans. But our long history has been to uphold the dignity of all of God’s people and to build a country welcoming to all.
Now comes Trump, who is exactly what Republicans are not, who is exactly what we have opposed in our 160-year history. We are the party of the Union, and he is the most divisive president in our history. There hasn’t been a more divisive person in national politics since George Wallace.
He is certainly right in saying, “Our record hasn’t been perfect,” as he put other Republicans in a far better light than they deserve. He is also right in criticizing Donald Trump’s racism.
Of course Trump’s hatred isn’t limited to racism and xenophobia. Just today Donald Trump signed a memorandum order banning transgender individuals from joining the military.