Either Hillary Clinton does not learn from her mistakes or perhaps she is so certain she will be elected that she doesn’t care what people think. After receiving criticism for refusing to release the transcripts of her paid Wall Street speeches, she has now used a static noise machine to keep reporters from hearing a fund raising speech, keeping what she said to donors secret. Gawker reports:
On Thursday, Hillary Clinton delivered a fundraising speech at the private residence of Colorado’s governor, John Hickenlooper, in Denver’s Park Hill neighborhood. The venue, a tent pitched on Hickenlooper’s lawn, was positioned close to the nearest street, which would have (theoretically) enabled non-guests to listen in on Clinton’s remarks. According to an on-scene reporter, however, the Democratic frontrunner’s campaign used a “static noise machine”—i.e., a larger speaker blasting static interference—to prevent such eavesdropping…
…it’s not unheard of for Clinton’s campaign staff to interfere with reporting. As Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller noted, “The Clinton campaign frequently uses noise in another way to prevent reporters from overhearing the candidate’s remarks. Often, while Clinton is shaking hands with voters at campaign events, staff will crank up music to prevent reporters from recording their conversations.”
As far as we can tell, the Clinton campaign has not denied—or even addressed—its alleged use of a static noise machine. The candidate’s press shop did not respond to requests for comment from at least three other outlets, including our sister site Gizmodo. Nor was it immediately available to respond to Gawker’s own questions. Governor Hickenlooper did not immediately respond to our inquiries, either.
If Clinton had learned anything from the scandals of the past several months she might have avoided such actions to prevent reporters from hearing her speech. Such conduct will only reinforce the view among many on the left that Hillary Clinton is far too much like the Republicans. It is certainly hard to see her supporting any meaningful reform to reduce the influence of money in politics.
Hillary Clinton has long been known for her hostility towards transparency, including during fund raising, paid speeches, and, most importantly, while engaging in government activity. After the email scandal broke, ProPublica listed Hillary Clinton’s Top Five Clashes Over Secrecy. Prior to the Wisconsin primary, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an editorial criticizing Clinton’s abysmal record on open government.
Hopefully Bernie Sanders, who extended his winning streak with a win in Wyoming, can make use of this issue. Based upon her past history, Clinton’s hostility towards transparency during the campaign probably means she will continue to oppose transparency in government if elected.