Donald Trump Is A Wimp And A Loser

Trump Iowa Screen Grab

Donald Trump once again leads the Republican polls (although I discussed the poor predictive value of polls in primary battles yesterday). Some pundits, such as David Brooks, say he will not win. Nobody seems sure exactly what to make of Donald Trump. For a change, I will evaluate him as he has been evaluating his opponents. Based upon his behavior this week, this means that Donald Trump is a wimp and a loser.

Donald Trump told CNN that he would not do their next debate unless the paid him $5 million, to be contributed to charity. CNN refused to pay. Trump then backed down–a sign of a loser.

Trump refused to release his medical records, as the other candidates are doing. Three hours after an article came out criticizing him for this, Trump backed down. Again, the sign of a loser.

As I’m looking at this from the perspective Donald Trump might take, I won’t get into the hubris of thinking that a network would pay him to be in a presidential debate, or that he does not have to release his medical records like the other candidates. Such behavior is to be expected when you are an egomaniac.

Jimmy Kimmel has looked into what to expect from Donald Trump’s medical records, including a very revealing endoscopic trip through the body of Donald Trump:

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