Yet another report that the War on Christmas is underway in the imaginations of the deranged right wingers, this time from Pat Robertson (video above):
“It’s, well, Christmas all over again. The Grinch is trying to steal our holiday. It’s been so beautiful, the nation comes together, we sing Christmas carols, we give gifts to each other, we have lighted trees, and it’s just a beautiful thing. Atheists don’t like our happiness, they don’t want you to be happy, they want you to be miserable. They’re miserable, so they want you to be miserable. So they want to steal your holiday away from you.”
Hat tip to Right Wing Watch
Time to go fire bomb some candy cane fields and pull of Santa’s beard.
Previous reports of a War on Christmas this season here and here (and check the tags for older posts–both on the War on Christmas and Pat Robertson).
RT @ronchusid: Pat Robertson Claims Atheists Want To Steal Your Holiday Away From You #p2 #p21 #topprog