It isn’t even Thanksgiving yet and I’m seeing news on the War on Christmas with God Discussion reporting on the right wing’s first skirmishes in this imaginary war:
On Friday’s “Faith & Freedom” program, Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, announced that his organization has launched its 10th annual ‘Friend or Foe’ Christmas campaign that is “designed to educate and if necessary, to litigate, to make sure that Christmas is not censored from either the public marketplace or the private retail.”
Joining him was Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action, who added, “Well, you know, it’s a serious subject because the war on Christmas is, despite liberals protesting that there is no such thing, is alive and well […] it is a very serious matter when you consider that there are a number of private retailers around the country that are really in an offensive manner censoring the Christmas message and effectively blunting the Christmas spirit by going with this kind of bland, Happy Holidays mentality and ignoring the reason for the season.”
They point out that among those censoring the Christmas message in this manner are Chick-fil-A, which Right Wing Watch found has declared War on Christmas by issuing a statement (reproduced here) which refers to “holiday gift giving” and the “holiday season.”
Hoping you all remain safe during this war and have a Happy Chanukah (written wondering how the religious right will react to that).
RT @ronchusid: The War On Christmas Is On #p2 #p21 #topprog On the myth that there's a war on Christmas.