Mitt Romney, according to one aide, “was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries [the United States and the UK] than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.” That visit didn’t work out too well. Watching Romney’s odd behavior, in addition to his tax returns we should be demanding medical records and a psychiatric evaluation. Romney is trying to avoid a similar fiasco during his visit to Israel by keeping the press out of his fund raiser:
Romney’s campaign announced Saturday that it would block the news media from covering the event, which will be held at the King David Hotel. The campaign’s decision to close the fundraiser to the press violates the ground rules it negotiated with news organizations in April, when Romney wrapped up the Republican nomination and began opening some of his finance events to the news media.
Under the agreement, a pool of wire, print and television reporters can cover every Romney fundraiser held in public venues, including hotels and country clubs. The campaign does not allow media coverage of fundraisers held in private residences.
Besides preventing coverage of further gaffes, there are also a couple of other reasons why he might not want the press in. Pathological liar Mitt Romney has said he will not criticize Obama and American foreign policy on foreign soil but he might have shook the etch-a-sketch on that pledge. The Washington Post suggests another reason:
Romney has a history of delivering different messages to his donors when reporters are not present to hear them. At a closed-press fundraiser in Florida this spring, reporters from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, without Romney’s knowledge, overheard the candidate outline new tax policy proposals and suggest that he might dramatically downsize the Department of Education and eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Another embarrassment did come up for Romney regarding Israel. Romney has often claimed to be close friends with Bibi Netanyahu but Netanyahu doesn’t seem to agree when interviewed by Vanity Fair:
“Israel’s current prime minister is not just a friend, he’s an old friend,” Mitt Romney, with whom Netanyahu worked at the Boston Consulting Group in the 1970s, told aipac in March. (Romney, Netanyahu suggests, may have overstated the tie. “I remember him for sure, but I don’t think we had any particular connections,” he tells me. “I knew him and he knew me, I suppose.”)
Romney might be better off keeping as much of his campaign closed to the press as possible. After the British labeled him “Mitt the Twit,” I can just imagine some of Yiddish words which people in Israel might be using to describe Romney.