Federal prosecutors have dropped the remaining charges against John Edwards. He is now free to return to his life as a scumbag.
Federal prosecutors have dropped the remaining charges against John Edwards. He is now free to return to his life as a scumbag.
This is kind of shocking. It turns out that at least one show on HGTV is as rigged as wrestling and Fox News.
David Letterman: Top Ten Subject Lines of Emails Received By Mitt Romney
10. Meet other attractive Mitts in your area
9. Newt here, regarding the VP job
8. Reminder: It’s been over a month since you’ve purchased a Cadillac
7. Confirming your 2:30, 5:30, and 9 o’clock haircuts
6. 20% off at beach-house-car-elevators.com
5. Nice slacks, bro!
4. Your Marie Osmond tickets have shipped
3. It’s Newt–Are you getting my messages?
2. If I vote for you, can I ride your dancing horse?
1. Warning: your hacked password is about to expire
“In Romney’s world, corporations are people, people are robots, and dogs are luggage.” –Andy Borowitz