Quote of the Day, Michele Bachmann Edition

Michele Bachmann says she would tweet more “but most of my thoughts aren’t that long.” –Andy Borowitz

Even funnier, CNN reports that she does have a longer thought–planning to form an exploratory committee for a possible presidential campaign in June, or possibly earlier.

Hopefully having her in the race will make it clear that the dominant force on the right wing is the religious right, regardless of whether they use the Tea Party name and claim to be concentrating on economic as opposed to social issues. I know it is tempting to see the Republican Party as a joke if they wind up with someone like her in the race, but to be fair there has been a long history of fringe candidates running for the nomination in both parties. The question is whether Republicans will see her candidacy as the joke that it is, or consider her a serious candidate. Many conservative blogs are reporting this as straight news, but at least some such as James Joyner sees her candidacy as something to laugh at.

Buzzfeed has a selection of top Michele Bachmann quotes.


  1. 1
    Terry Kerr says:

    RT @RonChusid: Two Michele Bachmann jokes (she is running for President plus one more). #p2 #p21 #topprog http://bit.ly/gzSy4d

  2. 2
    BrettR4763 says:

    RT @RonChusid: Two Michele Bachmann jokes (she is running for President plus one more). #p2 #p21 #topprog http://bit.ly/gzSy4d

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