And Dinosaurs Too

Updating the earlier story on the planned creationist theme park, as the cretins behind the project believe that dinosaurs and humans coexisted, the planned ark will include dinosaurs. Twelve year old boys should love this–unless they have any knowledge of science.

Young earth creationists, whose understanding of science is at the level of The Flintstones, include one-third of the population of Texas and Sarah Palin.


  1. 1
    molinelobo says:

    RT @RonChusid: Planned Creationist Theme Park to include dinosaurs–like on the Flintstones. #p2 #p21 #topprog

  2. 2
    Mugwumpie says:

    RT @RonChusid: Planned Creationist Theme Park to include dinosaurs–like on the Flintstones. #p2 #p21 #topprog

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