Superficially the careers of John Edwards and Sarah Palin are somewhat similar. Both were the vice presidential candidate on the last losing ticket from their party. Edwards attempted to win his party’s nomination in the next election cycle. Palin is widely expected to seek her party’s nomination and fail (unless the Mayan calendar is correct about 2012). Despite this similarity, the two are at such different points in their career that I described it as being odd when Gallup ran a poll last October looking at these two. Looking at today’s headlines there is yet another superficial similarity. Both are testifying in court.
The Daily Beast report that Edwards will be testifying about his sex tape and affair with Rielle Hunter. Judging by the reaction to her in the conservative movement, many conservatives might wish that there was also a Sarah Palin sex tape. Sadly for them, Palin will be testifying about the hacked email case, not a sex tape.
Maybe the two are right where they belong. Conservatives such as Palin love to portray themselves as victims. Here Palin really is a victim (and we have a rare case where I side with her in opposing the hacking of her email). Palin gets what she wants in beng the victim, and we all know what John Edwards wants.
RT @ronchusid: John Edwards and Sarah Palin Both Doing The Same Thing–be sure to check both links regarding 2012 in the post. #p2
GOP CA-2001-19 RT @ronchusid Socialism Polling Surprisingly Well In Rasmussen Poll #p2