I’ve often speculated that people such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh do not really believe most of the things they say but see their act as a way to make a lot of money. A profile of Glenn Beck in Forbes suggests he says all those crazy things primarily for the money:
You may love or hate him for his outlandish words, but that is how he gets an audience–and sometimes repels advertisers. Some classic Beckisms: “This President, I think, has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture” (2009). “Al Gore’s not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization” (2007). “I’m thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I’m wondering if I could kill him myself or if I would need to hire somebody to do it” (2005).
With a deadpan, Beck insists that he is not political: “I could give a flying crap about the political process.” Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. “We’re an entertainment company,” Beck says.
Others also see Beck as more a performer than as someone saying what he believes:
“I don’t necessarily believe that [what Beck says] is reflective of his own personal politics–I don’t even know if he has personal politics,” says Michael Harrison, publisher of Talkers, a trade magazine devoted to talk radio. “I see him as a performer.”
Think Progress points out other examples suggesting that it might be an act:
In February he told USA Weekend that “you’d have to be an idiot” to “not notice the temperature change” caused by global warming, and that he thinks mankind may play a significant role in the phenomenon. Beck has previously described himself as “a rodeo clown” and conceded, “If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.”
If it really is the case that Back does not believe what he says, and that he doesn’t “give a flying crap” about politics, he is getting a large number of people out protesting on false pretenses. It might not be Beck who is the crazy one, but al those people who listen to him. We’ve already known that the right wing protesters are often basing their protests on false information. I’m not sure if it makes it better or worse to find out that one of the prime sources of their misinformation is intentionally playing games with them.
RT @ronchusid: Forbes profile of #GlennBeck suggests he makes up all that crazy stuff for the money. http://is.gd/bkP67 #p2
RT @ronchusid Forbes profile of #GlennBeck suggests he makes up all that crazy stuff4 the $$. http://is.gd/bkP67 #p2 | DUH! Just ignore him!
RT @gypsy18: RT @ronchusid Forbes profile of #GlennBeck suggests he makes up all that crazy stuff4 the $$. http://is.gd/bkP67 #p2 | DUH! Just ignore him!
Well here's a shocker: Forbes profile of Glenn Beck suggests he makes up all that crazy stuff for the money. http://is.gd/bkP67 #p2
Ha! On a recent video of someone interviewing some tea party rally participants, some of them were wearing t-shirts that contained “Glenn Beck’s ten principles” or similar phraseology. He sure has those folks duped. He also has the country duped, apparently.
He fooled me! And what an asshole.
The only idiots are those who don’t question what they are told from both the left and the right. Just because you think Glenn Beck is crazy it doesn’t mean he isn’t correct. Listen to what he says with a grain of salt and check out his claims for yourself. If you choose to believe anyone without checking the facts you are an idiot and you are lazy. Don’t be lazy!
The people who are being lazy are those who listen to Beck and don’t realize he makes up a huge amount of what he says. He frequently misquotes people and puts up edited tape to attack people for things they did not actually say, and then his lazy followers go out claiming that Beck is using their own words against them. Lazy? I’ve researched and presented evidence of multiple falsehoods from Beck, others at Fox, and other right wing propagandists.
And yes, I’ve also exposed some falsehoods from the far left. The far left is no different from the far right in terms of their extremism and tactics. The difference is that the far left is marginalized, while the far right dominates the Republican Party and right wing media outlets.
I agree that the people who are lazy are those who listen to someone and accept without question what they say. It is the responsibility of the individual to question what they hear and try to do their own research.
Can you provide me with some examples (or a link to a post with this info) of what Beck has said that is factually inaccurate or falsehoods? I don’t doubt that there are examples I would just like to see them.
As for the far left being marginalized and the far right dominating the Republican Party how do you know that is true? What do you consider far right? How are they different from center right for example?
Have you tried doing a search for these items since they have been discussed in multiple previous posts? I don’t want to sound rude, but it is really not possible for me to do other people’s research. Time is valuable and it only makes sense to use it on things I enjoy greatly, writings which can reach several thousand people (as in regular blog posts plus syndication of posts as opposed to comments), or things which bring in significant amounts of revenue. At present I’m engaged in the third (which is lucrative but unfortunately dull, which is why I bothered to even respond to comments such as yours today as an excuse to stop working briefly).
I’ve had several posts on Beck’s falsehoods. This post links to multiple examples.
The dominance of extremists on the right has also been the topic of frequent blog posts. The most recent example of them ostracizing anyone who does not toe the party line is with David Frum (such as here and here).
I appreciate the link. I also appreciate that you bothered to even respond to comments such as mine. I certainly don’t want to take away from your valuable time in an attempt to get information from someone who actually might know what they are talking about. So I will make it easy – I will stop asking questions – which no one does anymore – and let you get back to making money. Just don’t make too much money or you will be considered greedy instead of someone who works hard for what you make and quite possibly does a lot of good with your wealth.
RT @ronchusid: Forbes profile of Glenn Beck suggests he makes up all that crazy stuff for the money. http://is.gd/bkP67 #p2
RT @ronchusid: Glenn Beck's only honest statement was "If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot" #p2 @p21 #topprog http://is.gd/bkP67
Glenn Beck Inc. ~Forbes- In his empire there's the ideology & then… money machine http://bit.ly/b0wJuW mt @RonChusid http://bit.ly/9CctsN
RT @ronchusid: Glenn Beck's only honest statement was "If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot" #p2 @p21 #topprog http://is.gd/bkP67
Does Glenn Beck Make It All Up For The Money? – http://liberalvaluesblog.com/2010/04/08/does-glenn-beck-make-it-all-up-for-the-money/
Does Glenn Beck Make It All Up For The Money? – http://bit.ly/9CctsN @RonChusid
RT @moment_um: Does Glenn Beck Make It All Up For The Money? – http://bit.ly/9CctsN @RonChusid
RT @ronchusid: Glenn Beck's only honest statement was "If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot" #p2 @p21 #topprog http://is.gd/bkP67
RT @RonChusid: Glenn Beck's only honest statement: "If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot" #p2 @p21 #topprog http://is.gd/bkP67
RT @ronchusid: Glenn Beck's only honest statement was "If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot" #p2 @p21 #topprog http://is.gd/bkP67