Worst Person In The World: Senator Jim Bunning

WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD: SENATOR JIM BUNNING. Bunning blocked last minute attempts in Senate to extend federal unemployment benefits, extend federal subsidies on COBRA payments, and block an automatic Medicare reduction. If Bunning gets his way the unemployed will starve and Granny will die because she won’t be able to see a doctor. Bunning is a one man death panel.

The Kansas City Star writes:

Retiring Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning Friday continued to single-handily hold up extension of unemployment benefits to more than a million Americans starting next week. Budget hawk? Or just plain mean? What a piece of work he is.

From CNN:

“After Feb. 28, the jobless will no longer be able to apply for federal unemployment benefits, as well as the COBRA health insurance subsidy. That means those who run out of their 26 weeks of state-paid coverage after that date would not be able to apply for any extra weeks of federal benefits.”

Bunning is on his high horse about the national debt and how this extension must be paid for or it will add to the national debt.

Nice-sounding rhetoric, but read enough of his exchanges in recent days and it’s obvious he’s still smarting from the fact he’s not running for re-election, partly because his own Republican Party leaders wanted a change in Kentucky.

Guess Bunning will show them how effective he is, even if it comes at the expense of the nation’s unemployed.

Politico reports on Bunning’s response:

Senate Democrats spent Thursday night hammering away at Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) for single-handedly holding up action in the upper chamber – but he blurted out a message to one of them on the Senate floor: “Tough s—t.”

In an unusual display in the normally sleepy chamber, Bunning – without the support of GOP leadership – has blocked efforts to quickly approve a series of extensions to measures that would otherwise expire Sunday, including unemployment insurance and the Cobra program that allows people who lose their health benefits to continue getting coverage.

And that has led to a furious exchange on the floor, with Democrats attacking the senator, who has refused to relent on his objection, in unusually harsh terms.

“Tough s—t,” Bunning said as he was seated in the back row, overheard by the floor staff and others in attendance.

TV Question

I have a few free minutes to watch television. Where is that good show I watched yesterday–the one with the smart guy explaining to a bunch of older white guys why their questions didn’t make much sense? The old guys all had “start over” written on their hands.

Obama to Aides To Meet With Secular Coalition For America

The Obama administration has met with many religious groups and is now aides are planning a meeting with those with a different viewpoint–the Secular Coalition for America. McClatchy reports:

President Barack Obama has burnished his Christian credentials, courted Jewish support and preached outreach toward Muslims. On Friday, his administration will host a group that fits none of the above: America’s nonbelievers.

The president isn’t expected to make an appearance at the meeting with the Secular Coalition for America or to unveil any new policy as a result of it.

Instead, several administration officials will sit down quietly for a morning meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House campus with about 60 workhorses from the coalition’s 10 member groups, including the American Atheists and the Council for Secular Humanism. Tina Tchen, the director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and representatives from the Justice and Health and Human Services departments will participate.

Coalition leaders are billing their visit as an important meeting between a presidential administration and the “nontheist” community. On the agenda are three policy areas: child medical neglect, military proselytizing and faith-based initiatives…

“Despite what we hear from Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin, we’re in a stage in history where millions upon millions of Americans share a secular perspective on American public policy,” Faircloth said. “We think the real ‘silent majority,’ if you will, is the Americans who say, ‘Enough of this religious and even theocratic nature to American policy.’ ”

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found in a 2008 survey before Obama’s election that a majority of Americans, 52 percent to 45 percent, think that churches should stay out of politics. That sentiment had changed from three election cycles back, 1996, when 54 percent favored churches expressing political views.

“Start over” is a Republican euphemism for “returning to the 19th century”

(My current Facebook status)

Update: A response on Facebook included this observation in comparing the participants at the health care summit from each party:

Our Weiner is better than their Bohner for sure.