Amy Fisher Stripping For Haiti And Heating Up Google

Occasionally I first find that a person has made the news because of search engine hits. After my first post on Carrie Prejean I often first found that there was a new development on her story by a surge in hits for her name. Today I suspected something must be going on as there were suddenly lots of hits on this post with a picture of Amy Fischer.

A quick Google search provided the reason:

Amy Fisher, famous for her disastrous affair with Joey Buttafuoco, is baring all for the people of Haiti.

Fisher will be stripping at Scene Restaurant & Lounge in Commack, LI today through Saturday, and will donate a portion of her wages to charity.

The former “Long Island Lolita” launched a porn site last year and has been touring the country as a stripper.

This should give Letterman a few new jokes this week. My remaining question is why so many people are going to the picture on my old post on her. A Google image search results in many nude pictures of her which I would think most guys would rather see than the one I posted.


  1. 1
    Paula says:

    Maybe your pic is just a little less scary than those nude ones.
    If only we all could do so much for our self promotion.  I mean, Haiti.

  2. 2
    Ron Chusid says:


    We have different impressions of the type of people who do Google  searches for pictures of people like Amy Fisher.

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