David Letterman, commenting on Sarah Palin starting at Fox, claims that the network’s new slogan is Hair & Unbalanced. He also stated that Simon Cowell, who announced his retirement from American Idol, is the only judge who Sarah Palin could identify. The Top Ten list was:
Highlights of Sarah Palin’s First Day at Fox News
10. Ruined office floor by drilling for oil.
9. Detached a retina from winking at the camera
8. Got confused –Thought she signed with QCV
7. Pistol-whipped three guys who called her “Tina”
6. Released a statement saying she won’t follow Leno
5 .At lunchtime, Tod picked her up driving snow mobile through lobby
4. Sad to learn there was no actual fox to hunt
3. Hosted a “Fire Dave” roundtable
2. Actually found a place with more white people than Alaska
1. Announced plans to run for president in 2010