The Republican attempts to play politics with the attempted terror attack in Detorit on Christmas do not appear to be working. Eric Kleefeld has reviewed recent polls on Obama’s approval:
In the Gallup daily tracking poll released on December 24, before the attack, Obama’s approval rating was 51%, with 42% disapproval. In the daily Rasmussen daily tracking poll, conducted during that same baseline period of December 21-23, Obama was at 44%-56% (Rasmussen consistently has Obama’s approval lower, and disapproval higher, than other outlets).
In the polls released yesterday, which were both conducted entirely after the attempted bombing, Gallup has Obama at 53%-41%, and Rasmussen has him at 47%-52%. Today’s Rasmussen poll is 46%-53%. Although the two polls are in different positions, the movement is roughly the same, with a very slight increase in Obama’s approval compared to the week before.
The numbers are small but at least show no backlash, at least yet. The question remains as to whether these attacks will obtain more traction after the holidays. Another question is whether playing politics with national security will backfire and create a backlash against the Republicans instead. It is possible that further attacks on Obama will help the Republicans, but hopefully more people will consider the facts as Eugene Robinson has in this op-ed and realize that the attacks are based upon lies.