Karl Rove Shows Support of Traditional Marriage By Freeing Himself To Do It Once Again

In 2004 Karl Rove helped George Bush get reelected by using state amendments opposing gay marriage to get out the vote. The Republicans campaigned as defenders of traditional marriage. Now Karl Rove is doing even more to defend traditional marriage–divorcing his wife after twenty-four years of traditional marriage, freeing himself to enter himself into another traditional marriage.

There is no word as to whether his marriage was destroyed because of the existence of gay marriage.

Karl Rove’s dedication to traditional marriage is even stronger. He was divorced once before (again no word if this was caused by the existence of gay marriage). This means that Karl Rove can now demonstrate his support for traditional marriage by getting married for a third time.


  1. 1
    frieda says:

    » Karl Rove Shows Support of Traditional Marriage By Freeing …: In 2004 Karl Rove helped George Bush get reel.. http://bit.ly/7LhZqf

  2. 2
    frieda says:

    » Karl Rove Shows Support of Traditional Marriage By Freeing …: In 2004 Karl Rove helped George Bush get reel.. http://bit.ly/7LhZqf

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