Ashley Dupre’s Rant


I’ve  always thought that Eliot Spitzer was responsible for Eliot Spitzer’s downfall, but apparently some people blame Ashley Dupre. She responds to this in a blog post at Global Grind:

I’m often referred to as the “woman who brought down the Governor” – excuse me people, I didn’t call the tabloids, I didn’t blow the whistle and I didn’t save “the dress.” I did nothing to shine a light on my indiscretions or to “out” anyone else.

She also has a few words for those who judge her:

But there are those of you out there who just love to judge. Let me say this – most girls, to varying degrees, of course, want to be pampered and have nice shoes, designer handbags and gorgeous clothes. I know many women who target guys with money and use them to get these things. They toy with them, flirt, go on dates, have sex and then drop hints about that new dress at the store down the street or being short on rent money – and the guys deliver it. This is a dishonest relationship. I see this all over New York City. Some women aren’t as vindictive, but still dive into relationships with wealthy guys who they don’t love or even find attractive, but they stay in it because they have a nice home, a car and spending money – they would rather stay in an unfulfilling or loveless relationship than lose that security. This, too, is a dishonest relationship. I see this type all over the suburbs of New Jersey with the housewives who are strung out on mood stabilizers or the couples who put all their attention on their chil dren so they don’t have to deal with their own issues.

Pat Buchanan Claims Hitler Did Not Want War


Pat Buchanan generally slips through his anti-Semitism and sympathy for the Nazis in an even more subtle manner than in this column. Per Buchanan, that poor misunderstood Fuhrer never really wanted to go to war:

Now one may despise what was done, but how did this partition of Czechoslovakia manifest a Hitlerian drive for world conquest?

Comes the reply: If Britain had not given the war guarantee and gone to war, after Czechoslovakia would have come Poland’s turn, then Russia’s, then France’s, then Britain’s, then the United States.

We would all be speaking German now.

But if Hitler was out to conquer the world — Britain, Africa, the Middle East, the United States, Canada, South America, India, Asia, Australia — why did he spend three years building that hugely expensive Siegfried Line to protect Germany from France? Why did he start the war with no surface fleet, no troop transports and only 29 oceangoing submarines? How do you conquer the world with a navy that can’t get out of the Baltic Sea?

If Hitler wanted the world, why did he not build strategic bombers, instead of two-engine Dorniers and Heinkels that could not even reach Britain from Germany?

Why did he let the British army go at Dunkirk?

Why did he offer the British peace, twice, after Poland fell, and again after France fell?

Why, when Paris fell, did Hitler not demand the French fleet, as the Allies demanded and got the Kaiser’s fleet? Why did he not demand bases in French-controlled Syria to attack Suez? Why did he beg Benito Mussolini not to attack Greece?

Because Hitler wanted to end the war in 1940, almost two years before the trains began to roll to the camps.

Hitler never really wanted to go to war in Buchanan’s fantasy world. If not for the evil British the Holocaust would have never happened. Therefore it makes sense that so much of Buchanan’s career has been spent defending Nazi war criminals since to Buchanan it was the British, not the Nazis, who were the true villains of World War II.

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Man’s Finger Bitten Off

Some people are going a bit too far with the  health care reform demonstrations.

Fortunately the victim had Medicare.