Texas officials are postponing all public high school athletic and academic competitions until May 11 because of the swine flu outbreak.
If this had happened during football season could they have gotten away with such a move? It is hard to believe anything could have stopped the football season in Dillon, Texas (home of the fictional Dillon Panthers on Friday Night Lights, which I suspect captures the real feelings about high school football in the state).
More serious comments on the swine flu outbreak here.
“This Is How Serious Texas Is Taking The Swine Flu Outbreak …” http://tinyurl.com/daf5ee #swineflu
“This Is How Serious Texas Is Taking The Swine Flu Outbreak …” http://tinyurl.com/daf5ee #swineflu
Meanwhile, all the Texan private schools will stay in session allowing their students to grab all the athletic and academic scholarships that would have gone to the public schools … Ha!
I sure hope that Lyla Garrity is able to get some financial assistance for college after Buddy Garrity lost their savings on bad investments and repaying for damage done to a strip club.