In follow-up of my earlier post on the swine flu, the World Health Organization has now raised the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to phase 5. See the earlier post for background and further links to the definitions of the alert levels.
Terrible as it may be <i>(assuming this epidemic is real and not just media hype of a normal seasonal flu),</i> it presents a golden opportunity. We can clearly see the practical rather than just the philosophical differences between liberals and conservatives.
Conservatives have failed at every crisis since the 60’s: Vietnam & 9/11, Homestead & New Orleans, oil shocks & stagflation. Clearly, when they say government doesn’t work, the conservatives mean it doesn’t work with them in charge of it. Let this be the end of their crackpot experiments on the people of the United States & the world.
Call this the Republican Flu, the one that killed the Republican Party.
Read that idiot lapdog Brooks’ blather in the Times, which I’ve excerpted <a href=””>here.<a> It’s hilarious.
“Conservatives have failed at every crisis since the 60’s: Vietnam & 9/11, Homestead & New Orleans, oil shocks & stagflation.”
Over-reacting Liberal Alert Level Raised to Phase 5.