He Should Have Worked In The Bush Administration

We sure have some of the dumbest criminals here in West Michigan:

If only police work was always this easy.

A Norton Shores man called in a bomb threat to the Muskegon County Sheriff’s Department Monday in an effort to delay his sentencing on a credit card fraud conviction, police say.

But police say his plan was foiled after investigators used caller ID to trace the call back to the suspect…

Reeves was arraigned Tuesday by Muskegon County 60th District Judge Harold F. Closz III on one count of making a false report or threat of a bomb, a four-year felony, and as a fourth-time habitual offender. His bond was set at $10,000 cash or surety.


  1. 1
    Christopher Skyi says:

    Maybe we should hook up dumb criminals in Michigan with really dumb potential jurors in Montana:

    Erik Slye, 36, received a jury notice earlier this year, he filed a notarized affidavit seeking to be excused from serving on a District Court panel in Gallatin County. Slye’s caustic affidavit, which he prepared with help from his wife Jennifer, can be found here.

    Needless to the say, Mr. Slye’s caustic & blunt request did not sit well with the court — nor were they amused by his colorful description of what he’d rather be doing.  After being summoned to court, officials there subsequently enlightened Mr. Slye on the legal concept of “contempt.”

    File this one under “How to Give Yourself A Bad Day.”

  2. 2
    Ron Chusid says:

    My guess is that a response such as that would greatly increase the chances that someone would not be let off.

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