The reference in the earlier post to the clothes worn on Big Bang Theory led me to the linked site where I wound up finding an online store which sells a shirt which summarizes the rules to Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. As seen in the above video, this is a superior way to making decisions (such as which science fiction show to watch) than Rock, Paper, Scissors. It appears a version of the game was first posted here.
For those who didn’t catch the rules:
- Rock crushes lizard.
- Scissors decapitate lizard.
- Lizard eats paper.
- Lizard poisons Spock.
- Paper disproves Spock.
- Spock vaporizes rock.
- Spock bends scissors.
And for those who are interested in the shirt as a handy reference:
This ain’t Christian.
There’s another cool shirt at http://www.cafepress.com/chicgeekgear and some more at http://www.cafepress.com/innermango in the geek section of the site.