After three successive posts which show the insanity of the current conservative movement, via Memeorandum I came across yet another item which demonstrates my point. To the extremists who now dominate the far right consideration any ideas from others is a sign of treason to the movement. Robert Stacy McCain attacks David Brooks for his occasional lapses from their true belief.
Some on both sides of the ideological divide are upset that, as Ezra Klein put it, David Brooks has become the White House’s Favorite Columnist. I find it perfectly understandable that the White House would seek to obtain understanding of their positions, and hopefully favorable comments, from a conservative at a paper with the stature of The New York Times. While at times Brooks does fall into repeating conservative talking points to bash Democrats, at other times he really does provide meaningful and open-minded analysis.
Robert Stacy McCain objects to Brooks’ recent column on Obama’s school reform policies. While I frequently make a point of including posts showing that not all conservatives and not all Republicans hold the extremist views of the conservatives I frequently criticize here, to McCain it is not possible for a liberal or Democrat to be up to anything besides evil. On school reform he writes, “To a Democrat, the policy object of school ‘reform’ is full employment and higher pay for members of the teachers’ unions.”
While perpaps true of some Democrats, McCain probably cannot conceive of the fact that for most Democratic voters the goal is improving education, not pleasing the teachers’ unions. To the degree higher pay is seen as desirable it is because of a reasonable belief that paying more can lead to attracting higher quality teachers.
Most problems are not solved by either the far left or far right but require a consideration of views from all sides. This has been missing for several years as polarization has increased, especially with Republicans substituting simplistic talking points for any meaningful policy ideas. When they take the attitude that those looking for solutions are actually up to something evil there is no grounds for bipartisan cooperation. Of course bipartisan cooperation is not something which is desired by extremists and McCain makes this clear:
The Democratic Party is a conspiracy whereby liars advance the cause of evil with the assistance of fools. Republicans who “reach across the aisle” to cooperate in the implementation of the Democratic agenda are therefore agents of evil.
Fortunately bloggers such as McCain do not officially speak for the GOP, but unfortunately the extremism of this section of the conservative blogosphere is closely reflected by the Republican Party.