Michael Steele has had to back off on the comments he made with regards to abortion in an interview posted yesterday. He described abortion as an individual choice and supported leaving the issue to the states. I suspect that he wanted to downplay his, and the GOP’s, opposition to abortion rights out a realization that an anti-abortion party has little future in most of the country.
It doesn’t work to try to take a middle ground. If you believe that a woman’s body belongs to her, then half-hearted comments about abortion are meaningless. Saying it should be decided by the states is no more acceptable than saying that freedom of speech should be decided by the state.
On the other hand, opponents of abortion rights act as if people are essentially property of the state, along with being unable to distinguish between a fetus and a fully developed human. To them there is also no acceptable middle ground, leading to criticism of Steele’s comments from the right.
Steele knows who he has to please to remain chair of the RNC. He has now firmly stated his opposition to abortion rights, including support for a Constitutional ban.