I have MSNBC on in the background, for the first time since Obama’s inauguration, while killing time until Battlestar Galactica starts. I just started getting CNN in HD, tipping the balance in their favor. Besides, MSNBC is almost as much opinion as Fox, except that at least Olbermann and Maddow don’t claim that their shows are “fair and balanced” journalism. Plus Olbermann and Maddow are far more reality based and, while I wouldn’t use either as a primary news source, they do speak about what is happening in the real world far more than on Fox.
Before he left office, Keith Olbermann ended every show with a running count of the number of days since George Bush declared mission accomplished in Iraq. I thought he might end that practice when Bush left office. First thing Wednesday I removed the anti-W sticker from my car (which took quite a while after being on there since 2003). I would have done it on Tuesday if I ever moved away from the televised coverage of inauguration day.
I’ll still post an ocassional Bush-bashing item if I find it worthwhile, but the time is over to make opposition to Bush the centerpiece of anyone’s political identity. Unfortunately Olbermann has not changed. He ended his show with a count of how many days since the former president declared mssion accomplished in Iraq.