I don’t normally get too involved in the various disputes in the blogosphere, but I couldn’t help finding some enjoyment in seeing John Cole smack down Armando/Big Tent Democrat. I think there is pretty widespread agreement that Big Tent Democrat had some of the weakest and most irrational attacks on Obama to be seen throughout the election campaign (while he also claimed to back Obama). Most of the time I ignored him, but I did respond on occasion such as here and here.
Big Tent Democrat set himself up as an easy target for debunking as soon as he raised the nonsense of the Obama cult in the first item John Cole responds to. I previously responded to the nonsense of an Obama cult here and here. Most of the arguments from the past months no longer matter, and Cole decided to summarize them quickly rather than dwell on them:
With Democrats like this, who needs Red State? If there was anyone who was more tedious during this last election cycle than Armando, aka Big Tent Democrat, let me know. Besides turning one of my favorite sites, TalkLeft, into a pseudo-Puma cess-pool during the primaries (But he supports Obama, dont’cha know- speaking for him only!), BTD’s bigger sin was dispensing bad advice to the Obama campaign on an almost daily basis. If concern trolling was an art form, BTD would be Michelangelo and the 2008 Democratic primary his Sistine Chapel.
Because I am short on patience, and, at heart, a compassionate person, I am not going to go through the TalkLeft archives and dig up where BTD gravely intones that Obama can not win the white vote, can not win the Jewish vote, can not win the Hispanic vote, and on and on. I will not dig up all the stupid god damned advice he gave to the Obama campaign (which they, thank GOD, ignored). I will not look up the umpteen posts where the left’s own pompous village idiot warned that Obama could not win without Hillary on the ticket. I will not dig up the polling data that he consistently misread and always curiously interpreted as showing a need for Hillary on the ticket. I will let you do that for yourself, and you can enjoy your own historical retrospective into BTD’s idiocy. Yes, I voted for Bush twice, but I proudly state I am not as stupid as BTD. Period.
After debunking the attacks Big Ten Democrat has made on Obama, Cole concludes:
In other words, there is a lot of bullshit floating around out there. No one knows what is going on, no decisions have been made. The press is in a vacuum, publishing rumor and innuendo, and you have no clue what Obama’s opinion on torture, Gitmo, or anything else is beyond what he has publicly stated repeatedly and campaigned upon, and for you, working from a profound position of ignorance (your normal state, I might add) to state that Obama all of a sudden supports torture but “merely wants greater oversight,” deserves nothing other than a firm round of South Park, the Musical ( link is totally NSFW, totally immature, and totally encapsulates my firm feelings about the biggest bloviating moron writing for a left-wing blog). I know you are still fondly dreaming of a Hillary 2012 challenge, but could you base the need for this on something other than speculation in the WSJ a mere week after the election (and two months before he is inaugurated)? Was the Corner busy? You couldn’t get any inside scoop from Michael Goldfarb at the Weekly Standard?
And before I close, let me finish with this. I left the right because they were such assholes I could not stand it anymore. You left good graces with the left because you were too much of an asshole, and they troll-rated you into oblivion. I may have been wrong about a lot of things in the past, and will be in the future, but I left the GOP because it was a cult. I was the one who was suspicious about Obama in the beginning. I think I have a solid eye for bullshit. And for the record, if you want to see what a “cult” looks like, you might want to check your own comment policy. We allow dissent here, and appreciate it. You are so dimwitted and thin-skinned you delete anything that deviates from your own bizarre dogma. Keep that in mind when I say this:
Yes, right now the “Cult of Obama” wants you to STFU. At least until he, you know, actually does something that deserves your derision. And if and when he does, we will join you. Until then, amuse yourself writing diaries for No Quarter, and while you are at it, do us a favor and ask Larry about the “Whitey” tape. Wanker.
Unfortunately, should there be any who really want to watch an all out blog war, John Cole is fighting an unarmed opponent in this battle of wits. Big Tent Democrat can only respond with an incoherent post which falls back on claims that those who backed Obama are cultists and which he denies making all the irrational arguments we have seen him make throughout the campaign. It is possible that Cole might have erred and maybe BTD did not make every single argument Cole attributes to him, but overall Cole captures the gist of the arguments coming from BTD throughout the election.
Update: John Cole responds to Big Tent Democrat’s claims that the posts he mentioned do not exist by searching the archives and showing that they do.