During the Iraq war the Bush administration has utilized propaganda campaigns to support the war which were made to appear like objective news. John Kerry introduced legislation to prohibit this and the bill was signed into law today. From a press release from Kerry’s office:
Sen. John Kerry today announced that President Bush signed into law Kerry’s legislation to prohibit the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) from funding propaganda. The measure was included in the National Defense Authorization Act for 2009.
“With confidence in Washington at an all-time low, the American people should not have to wonder whether the ‘non-partisan, expert’ analysis they see on television might have been shaped by a government propaganda campaign,” said Sen. Kerry. “It’s essential to make sure the public’s money isn’t used for propaganda campaigns that undermine the public trust.”
In April, Sen. Kerry called for an investigation by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) into the DOD’s covert efforts to cultivate military analysts with distinguished service records to produce favorable press coverage of the Bush Administration’s wartime policies in Iraq and elsewhere.