How long can McCain get away with a bump in the polls due to a vice presidiential pick who is not ready for prime time? AP reports the latest:
an aide told the journalists on board that all Palin flights would be off the record unless the media were told otherwise. At least one reporter objected. Two people on the flight said the Palins greeted the media and they chatted about who had been to Alaska, but little else was said.
They compared Palin with Joe Biden:
By comparison, her Democratic counterpart, Joe Biden, has been campaigning on his own for weeks, at times taking questions from audiences. He was interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday.
His campaign appearances have touched on a range of issues – in Florida he talked about U.S. support for Israel, in Pennsylvania it was economics and tax policy.
How long will it take the voters to figure out that there is a reason for the differences in how the two vice presidential candidates are dealing with the press?
The answer is probably never. There’s a line from a movie that went: “What the Amurrican people don’t know is what makes them the Amurrican people.” The line seems appropriate about now.
One question is who are the American people really? Are we the country which developed such a strong economy and and technology, and which was founded in liberty? Or have we become a country dominated by religious zealots with an anti-science flat-earth mentality which engages in a reckless foreign policy?
Hopefully American voters will decide in this election that they want to return to being the country envisioned by the founding fathers as well as people of the 21st century.
The American people will never catch on because the media allows it.
Until the media starts to make more of a big deal about this, no one will even realize she’s on the stump with McCain speaking verbatim sentences from her acceptance speech. I have yet to see a single instance of her saying anything other than what she said at the RNC.
Has anyone else?
When a veep candidate cannot speak to what they believe and has to rely on what is pre-scripted, we are in deep doo doo. And this is a person who may very well become POTUS should McCain go the way of that 21% statistic of someone his age not surviving his term.
Fortunately even some media reports are noting that Palin has not said anything which is not scripted.
There have been some things said which were not in her acceptance speech but they were scripted.
Palin is a tool of the McCain campaign, and if she does not perform the way the old man dictates even once, she will be called some very nasty names with pigs and lipstick off the table.
John MCain is an abuser. He has abused his colleagues in Washington, in the Navy and when he was a cadet as well as when he was still a kid. He abused his first wife and now Cindy. I believe that John McCain really does not like women very much except as they can be manipulated to his purposes. John McCain for all his toothy grins is not a very nice man.
He is known for having a temper but I don’t know that there is actually any evidence of such abuse by him.
I don’t know if this counts as abuse but, McCain is known for his temper. He called some kid who asked him a question at one of his Town Halls a jerk. He allegedly called his wife a c*nt for teasing him about his balding head. And then there is a story about him pushing someone in a wheelchair.
Abuse in the form of his smacking his wife around, I never heard that, but I think he knows to not lay a hand on the goose which laid his golden egg.
Oh, and this is another hot-head story. I do know that he is implusive (his pick of Palin proves that), he doesn’t think things through, he reacts viscerally; instead of using his head, he uses his gut.
This does not bode well for detante, talking with our enemies, and I don’t know about you, but I do not want either a President McCain or a newly minted President Palin if he cannot serve out his term, to have their respective fingers on that button.