Here’s an unexpected twist in the John Edwards/Rielle Hunter scandal. The New York Post reports that Jay McInerney once dated Hunter in the late 1980’s and based the character Alison Poole in his novel Story of My Life on her. While this was not one of McInerney’s better novels, knowing of the connection does give a sense for how their affair might have been (especially if you are into drug using bimbos). Now that I know that McInerney bases his characters on real people, I think that whoever McInerney based Corrine Calloway on (from his novels Brightness Falls and The Good Life) might have been a better choice than the real life model for Alison.
Alison/Rielle must have really gotten around as besides being a character in McInerney’s novel she also appeared briefly in a couple of novels by Bret Easton Ellis—American Psycho and Glamorama.
In addition to this tidbit on Hunter’s background, there was yet another development in the story today. The National Enquirer has published pictures of John Edwards with his alleged love child.