This is both accurate and hilarious. (Subtitles not safe for work).
This is both accurate and hilarious. (Subtitles not safe for work).
Despite being behind in number of delegates, the popular vote, and number of states won, Hillary Clinton continues to believe she is entitled to the nomination. It is her turn within the pattern of the Bush/Clinton Dynasty and matters such as the will of the voters must not be allowed to interfere with the planned succession.
Clinton has tried taking her case to the Democratic National Committee. Unfortunately for Clinton, she still does not get it. She continues to use Michigan and Florida as rational for her to remain in the race. As Matthew Yglesias has pointed out, “this makes no real sense. Nothing would do more to help resolve the Florida and Michigan issue than for Clinton to drop out and endorse Obama.” If Obama didn’t have to worry about Clinton trying to use Michigan and Florida to steal the nomination he would have no reason not to seat the two delegations.
Her argument, like virtually every other argument made by Clinton during this campaign, does make no real sense. The never ending flow of nonsense arguments has only increased questions about both her integrity and competence. Her arguments with regards to Michigan and Florida have been pretty transparent lies which only her die hard followers believe–similar to those Republicans who still believe what George Bush has said about Iraq.
The DNC is especially unlikely to be impressed by these arguments considering that they are based upon Clinton supporting violations of the rules made by the Democratic National Committee. When Clinton appeals to the DNC for support based upon Michigan and Florida she is in essence saying, “I am a liar and a cheater, therefore you should support me for the nomination over the person who has won fair and square.” That is simply not an argument which will go anywhere.
One good thing about Clinton using this argument is that she has made it very difficult for herself to compete in a future nomination battle. In backing Michigan and Florida she is demonstrating a disregard for Iowa and New Hampshire, as well as other states more recently moved to the start with permission of the DNC. The manner in which she did not take up this cause until after Iowa and New Hampshire voted further demonstrates her dishonesty. Unless the primary and caucus calendar is totally overhauled, the voters of Iowa and New Hampshire will most likely put a quick end to any future campaigns.