As I’ve noted before, Republicans are to some degree right in defending John McCain over the 100 years in Iraq line. On the one hand McCain was not talking about another one hundred years of war in its current form. On the other hand, McCain, and his defenders, are wrong in thinking that we can remain in Iraq the same way we’ve remained in countries such as South Korea, Germany, and Japan. Our very presence in Iraq is a source of increased conflict in with the Muslim world and our national security interests would be best served by leaving Iraq as soon as possible.
The conservative disconnect with reality appears to be even worse than I imagined. Not only do they lack any real understanding of the middle east, they don’t even understand American history very well. Red State sent out an email which was posted by Stix Blog. Check out the last paragraph:
Of course, it could just be that the Democrats are clueless about the military. Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we’re still at war with the confederacy, the Germans, and the Japanese given all the standing American armies in the South, Germany, and Japan.
It is bad enough that they fail to understand the differences between Iraq and countries such as Germany and Japan. It reaches the point of absurdity that they see “American armies in the South” as being in any way analogous to armies occupying a foreign country. It is remarkable that they would really compare American military basis which happen to be in southern states to American troops occupying a foreign country such as Iraq.
We’ve known for quite a while that conservatives cannot be trusted to handle matters related to foreign policy or defense. This just emphasizes how little they understand the issues.
God supports America freeing iraq within the Bible and it was just discovered and published. see
I have personally questioned many christians as to why they have turned against George Bush as well as the Iraq war when normally they would support conservative causes. The unpopularity of the president and the war have affected christian conservative support. Why? These christians have been greatly influenced by the “Left Behind” books and popular movies which most christians have witnessed on CD, DVD, or have read the books. Today, there has never been anything larger in the christian market than the “Left Behind series” which interprets biblical prophecy and demonizes Iraq as the location for the city of Babylon being raised as the last evil empire.
The premise of the book is built around the idea that Iraq and ancient Babylon are literally the seat of the coming anti christ and will soon become headquarters for the United nations. The obvious clue is that America is therefore assisting anti christ by helping Iraq grow into an industrialized political power.
Some christians wrongly conclude that our soldiers are currently dying for the anti christ and not for future freedom.
The worst conclusion possible is that American blood with tax payer support are secretly supporting the anti christ and his future throne. Like it or not there are many christians wondering if this is true prophecy. This christian publication is just as anti american as any terrorist production and even more dangerous to our national unity because it pretends to have a biblical foundation.
No wonder Obama is working hard to capture christian support during this election! If “Left Behind” truly represents Bible prophecy then Obama must be doing Gods will by declaring the war a major mistake. His support of Gay marriage and abortion or his promise to stack liberal judges on the courts are easily over looked if he can stop America from supporting the anti christ… I appeal to your patriotism by helping me to make this information known!
This biblical spin is a serious problem christians who are benefiting refuse to face up to because it is a New York times best seller.
We cannot as christians put our bottom line above our christian principals?
Please Help me overturn this “Left behind” deception! Why?
This coming election is far too important! The 2006 election demonstrates
what happens when conservatives are divided by ideology and theological
differences. We lost both the house and the senate and may lose white
Are you not tired of hearing christians lump Bush and Iraq into some wild new
world order plot? Such ideologies make the conservatives the bad guys and not the liberals.
Christian belief in such false ideologies may soon hand the democrats
a supreme court willing to go to war against christians and take away our liberties in
ways we cannot yet imagine!
Christian bookstores are hurting American unity during war time by selling books of biblical fiction that are dangerous because they may be turning voting Christians against our troops in Iraq. “Left Behind” is a fictional book. This book fosters Christian division and discourages support for our troops in Iraq. Compounding such confusing information we thre are large numbers of christians becoming the audience for the 9/11 conspiracies which teach that our government caused the attacks on 9/11.
Recently published biblical books supporting the Iraq war experience great difficulty to even be heard against the lies that are spread in the media and most Christian bookstores.
There is a new book, “Bible Prophecies of 9 – 11,” that is actually based on the entire Bible context, which will expose Obama, or anyone who opposes the war in Iraq. The premise supporting this book’s thesis are actual Bible verses which reveal God’s latter-day promises to Nebuchadnezzar. Your own Bible predicts Iraq is to become a free nation through the assistance of (America’s) eagle’s wings in the latter days. (see Daniel chapter 4) Obama and others are exposed by such knowledge because they oppose America’s good will and support our enemies who also declare that the war in Iraq was a big mistake. The terrorists also want America out of Iraq and openly and publically favor Obama for president. “Bible Prophecies of 9 – 11” refutes the propaganda and the damage being done to our country by books like “Left Behind.”
I believe that these “Left Behind” books and DVD’s make it easier for Obama to turn Christians against the positive efforts of our military achievements in Iraq. Obama is currently working hard to get the Christian vote by flip flopping on issues and capitalizing on a lack of Christian unity over Iraq. Ficticious renditions like “Left Behind” teach Christians that America is setting up modern Babylon so the anti Christ can rule the world directly from the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq. Such false and unfounded interpretations of prophecy seem to identify America as supporting this great evil that Christians must certainly oppose! They forget that God cursed Babylon through the prophet Isaiah, that it should never again rise to a world power! (see Isaiah 13:19) Babylon today is a universal term for ungodly activity not central to Iraq alone. Unfortunately the econemy and the Iraq war are today the number one issues within this critical election year.
If America is helping to prepare Iraq for the seat of the anti Christ then Obama appears to represent Gods opposition to such evil. This means we must support a future supreme court which supports Gay marriage, abortion, and christian persecution increasing in America. Is “Left Behind” teachings about Babylon in Iraq Gods will or Satans false doctrine?
Such biblical deception does not happen you say? Remember Y2K prophecy books which turned out to be a terrible loss for millions on new years day when nothing happened! We all remember our Christian friends who spent their life savings because they believed all of the Christian leaders publications were true prophecy. “Left Behind” is THE LATEST false alarm spreading unfounded prophecies.
Why do honest Christians not challenge such bogus information which spreads such blatantly unbiblical doctrines? These “Left Behind” books are currently selling in dollar stores because Christians are losing interest in the same old negative conspiracy song which fosters darkness and hides the light. But the damage has already been done!
A new and more accurate biblical understanding is available which supports America and refutes the false theories which support America’s enemies. Check out this news and confirm the information and get it to believers before the coming election! If you own a Christian bookstore the patriotic thing to promote is America’s success in Iraq, and not its failure. You do not want to be spreading the notion that our soldiers representing all races and religions in America have given their lives for the anti christ. Inform all Christian Book Stores that by selling “Left Behind” books they are supporting Obama and aiding our enemies.
About the new book… People of faith, please stop your life for a moment and witness an amazing faith promoting youtube videos which take believers on a spiritual journey, far beyond anything they have yet seen. There are no possible words to express the spiritual impact of this video. The truth and clarity of this message will send chills down your back! This is the closest thing to witnessing the opening of the Red Sea, or watching 9 – 11 happen from one block away. This is real prophecy from the King James’ Bible.
When you watch this video be sure to shut off every distraction you might have turning off your cell phones and locking all of your doors so that you can fully comprehend each important detail. The dark side of spiritual forces will do anything to distract you from viewing this biblical discovery and hearing its message!
The first part of the video is a little bit slow because you do not realize what all of the clues are leading up too. There are four short videos in part 1,2,3,4. about nine minutes or so. Do not skip any of the four segments or you may forget the clues first given and later forget their applications in videos 2,3,4.
You are about to be enlightened far beyond anything you have imagined! click on “Bible prophecies of 9 – 11” @
I have personally questioned many christians as to why they have turned against George Bush as well as the Iraq war when normally they would support conservative causes. The unpopularity of the president and the war have affected christian conservative support. Why? These christians have been greatly influenced by the “Left Behind” books and popular movies which most christians have witnessed on CD, DVD, or have read the books. Today, there has never been anything bigger in the christian market than the “Left Behind series” which interprets biblical prophecy and demonizes Iraq today as the location for the city of Babylon now being raised as the last evil empire.
The premise of the book is built around the idea that Iraq and ancient Babylon are literally the seat of the coming anti christ and will sonn become headquarters for the United nations. The obvious clue is that America is therefore helping anti christ by assisting Iraq to grow into an industrialized and political power.
Some christians wrongly conclude that our soldiers are currently dieing for the anti christ and not for anyone’s future freedom. The worst conclusion possible is that American blood and tax payer support are secretly raising
the anti christ and his future throne. Like it or not there are many christians wondering if this is true prophecy.
No wonder Obama is working hard to capture christian support during this election! If “Left Behind” truly represents Bible prophecy then Obama must be doing Gods will by declaring the war a major mistake. His support of Gay marriage and abortion or stacking liberal judges on the courts are easily over looked if he can stop America from supporting the anti christ… I appeal to your patriotism!
This is a serious problem christians who are benefiting refuse to face.
We cannot as christians put our bottom line above a christian principal?
Please Help me overturn this “Left behind” deception!
This election is too important!
Christian bookstores are hurting American unity during war time by selling books of biblical fiction that are dangerous because they may be turning voting Christians against our troops in Iraq. “Left Behind” is a fictional book. This book fosters Christian division and discourages support for our troops in Iraq. Compounding such confusing information we thre are large numbers of christians becoming the audience for the 9/11 conspiracies which teach them that our government caused the attaks on 9/11.
Recently published biblical books supporting the Iraq war experience great difficulty to even be heard against the lies that are spread in the media and most Christian bookstores.
There is a new book, “Bible Prophecies of 9 – 11,” that is actually based on the entire Bible context, which will expose Obama, or anyone who opposes the war in Iraq. The premise supporting this book’s thesis are actual Bible verses which reveal God’s latter-day promises to Nebuchadnezzar. Your own Bible predicts Iraq is to become a free nation through the assistance of (America’s) eagle’s wings in the latter days. (see Daniel chapter 4) Obama and others are exposed by such knowledge because they oppose America’s good will and support our enemies who also declare that the war in Iraq was a big mistake. The terrorists also want America out of Iraq and openly and publically favor Obama for president. “Bible Prophecies of 9 – 11” refutes the propaganda and the damage being done to our country by books like “Left Behind.”
I believe that these “Left Behind” books and DVD’s make it easier for Obama to turn Christians against the positive efforts of our military achievements in Iraq. Obama is currently working hard to get the Christian vote by flip flopping on issues and capitalizing on a lack of Christian unity over Iraq. Ficticious renditions like “Left Behind” teach Christians that America is setting up modern Babylon so the anti Christ can rule the world directly from the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq. Such false and unfounded interpretations of prophecy seem to identify America as supporting this great evil that Christians must certainly oppose! They forget that God cursed Babylon through the prophet Isaiah, that it should never again rise to a world power! (see Isaiah 13:19) Babylon today is a universal term for ungodly activity not central to Iraq alone. Unfortunately the econemy and the Iraq war are today the number one issues within this critical election year.
If America is helping to prepare Iraq for the seat of the anti Christ then Obama appears to represent Gods opposition to such evil. This means we must support a future supreme court which supports Gay marriage, abortion, and christian persecution increasing in America. Is “Left Behind” teachings about Babylon in Iraq Gods will or Satans false doctrine?
Such biblical deception does not happen you say? Remember Y2K prophecy books which turned out to be a terrible loss for millions on new years day when nothing happened! We all remember our Christian friends who spent their life savings because they believed all of the Christian leaders publications were true prophecy. “Left Behind” is THE LATEST false alarm spreading unfounded prophecies.
Why do honest Christians not challenge such bogus information which spreads such blatantly unbiblical doctrines? These “Left Behind” books are currently selling in dollar stores because Christians are losing interest in the same old negative conspiracy song which fosters darkness and hides the light. But the damage has already been done!
A new and more accurate biblical understanding is available which supports America and refutes the false theories which support America’s enemies. Check out this news and confirm the information and get it to believers before the coming election! If you own a Christian bookstore the patriotic thing to promote is America’s success in Iraq, and not its failure. You do not want to be spreading the notion that our soldiers representing all races and religions in America have given their lives for the anti christ. Inform all Christian Book Stores that by selling “Left Behind” books they are supporting Obama and aiding our enemies.
About the new book… People of faith, please stop your life for a moment and witness an amazing faith promoting youtube videos which take believers on a spiritual journey, far beyond anything they have yet seen. There are no possible words to express the spiritual impact of this video. The truth and clarity of this message will send chills down your back! This is the closest thing to witnessing the opening of the Red Sea, or watching 9 – 11 happen from one block away. This is real prophecy from the King James’ Bible.
When you watch this video be sure to shut off every distraction you might have turning off your cell phones and locking all of your doors so that you can fully comprehend each important detail. The dark side of spiritual forces will do anything to distract you from viewing this biblical discovery and hearing its message!
The first part of the video is a little bit slow because you do not realize what all of the clues are leading up too. There are four short videos in part 1,2,3,4. about nine minutes or so. Do not skip any of the four segments or you may forget the clues first given and later forget their applications in videos 2,3,4.
You are about to be enlightened far beyond anything you have imagined! click on “Bible prophecies of 9 – 11” @
I am sorry to say it but the guy is under-staing the power of this Bible discovery. Every one must see this youtube video on his sight if it is the last thing on earth you do!
Our husbands in Iraq and our wounded vets need
to hear about this new Bible discovery.
Suppose it could be documented that this Bible
prophecy was verified to have been fulfilled in our
day predicting the war in Iraq?
Thousands of people are entering this web sight…
Critics have sought to rip this biblical discovery a
part in order to disprove it.
Such attempts continue to fail as ambitious Bible
critics seek to expose it as another hoax.
Critics eventually fade as the people who see
value in this fulfilled prophecy are moved to
inform others of this possible miracle arriving in
our day!
Could God have revealed an actual Bible prophecy
supporting America going into Iraq? Everyone is
invited to prove or disprove this newly discovered
If you can demonstrate a way to disprove this claim
you may become a guest on Glenn Becks show or
Shaun Hannity. If you can bring a case forward
which supports this prophecy as being true you
may also become a guest.
This Bible discovery was mentioned on the Rush
Limbaugh show as millions heard of this web sight.
If you can find any evidence disputing this claim
or any evidence confirming it true, please contact
Shaun at…
“Media track”
Or contact Glenn Beck and make your case
to him on line. You may contact
Rush Limbaugh if possible?
For additional information
concerning this matter contact
Ed Cook at ecdistibutions or or 208 251 3519
You could receive national recognition for worthy evidence
if your information is convincing. Why?
If no one can dispute this biblical claim this discovery
can be submitted in the media as an actual fulfillment of
biblical prophecy. If not, you may be the one exposing as
a hoax.
The new President of the united states may be determined
by the condition of our economy and the war in Iraq.
What could a Bible prophecy depicting America as
the biblical eagle bringing freedom to Iraq have upon
this presidential election?
Could it perhaps reveal the presidential election from a new
spiritual perspective?
This biblical prophecy could unite our American resolve
for supporting the Iraq war and help our troops.
A subsidiary of Salem communications has already
declared this work to be a monumental discovery of
“biblical proportions” in their recent national press release.
To confirm this national press release go to the Salem
Xulon press release at- or enter
their Salem web sight.
There has been no theological criticism having any
teeth which has demonstrated convincing red flags
which cast doubt upon this claim. The Bible can be spun
by people who often take things out of proper context.
Today modern writers cleverly manufacture their own
evidences from the Bible and years later we then discover
such insights were false.
This means that the specific criteria for documenting
a fulfilled Bible prophecy is even more difficult to accomplish
than many secular discoveries which also require high
standards from sound research.
We need a consensus from several credible Christians
who can collaberate a consistency of legitamate insights
which identify key prophetic types and shadows clearly
identifying the cyclic nature of true prophecy within
Bible history.
Such an insight for understanding true Bible prophecy
should not require a degree in theology. We welcome
We welcome the critics who aspire to prove this wrong.
No credable evidence has been presented showing
any confirmed manipulation of the biblical text nor its
Watch the you tube video as it takes you through
specific Bible scriptures which reveal the
great modern eagle (America)l transforming Iraq
into a free nation in the end times..
Locate now..
“Bible prophecies of 9-11
Bet Patterson