Obama Picking Up More Support–In Pennsylvania and Among The Troops

Yet another poll shows that Obama is closing the gap on Clinton. He is not leading or tied as some recent polls have shown, but Quinniapiac does have Clinton’s lead down to six points, compared to a nine point lead on April 2. They find that “one of the biggest shifts is among women who went from 54 – 37 percent for Clinton April 2 to 54 – 41 percent for her today.”

While Obama has been gaining support in Pennsylvania, another group is backing Obama–many soldiers in Iraq according to this report form ABC News.

Spring Break

Blogging will be more irregular for the next week or so while I’m out of town for spring break. I’m sure I’ll get on from time to time. If anything really major happens while I’m away from a computer I even set up a program which uses voice recognition to post to a blog from a cell phone call. With the current state of voice recognition, who knows what will actually wind up on the blog.

As I’ve noted previously Liberal Values might have to move at any time due to coming close to exceeding the capabilities of our current server. If the site is down for a prolonged time I’ll place an announcement (and posts if down long enough) at the following alternative site:
