Ron Paul’s House Seat Appears Safe

With the major battles between Obama and Clinton yesterday it is easy to overlook other votes taking place. Out in Texas there had been some talk that Ron Paul’s House seat was in danger as he was facing a primary challenge from Chris Peden. While all the vote is not yet in, Reason reports that Paul has an overwhelming lead.

No Democrats have filed to run against Paul in the general election, so winning the Republican nomination should assure his reelection to Congress.


  1. 1
    Eric Dondero says:

    You wanna hear something completely hilarious and insane?

    A Libertarian Party candidate has filed against Paul for the general election. I am dead serious here. His name is Eugene Flynn. Even more hilarious, HE LIVES IN DALLAS!

    Seems Flynn, an eccentrict Immigration Attorney, is pissed at Paul for his anti-Immigrant stances. The LP is in a tough position, essentially having to agree to list him on the ballot.

  2. 2
    Ron Chusid says:

    That is really something. I can just imagine the blog wars between supporters of the two.

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