“There is no reason she cannot release her 2006 returns. Talk about change you can Xerox. You can Xerox your tax returns. She has been a habitual non-discloser on this and other issues.”
–Obama advisor David Axelrod
“There is no reason she cannot release her 2006 returns. Talk about change you can Xerox. You can Xerox your tax returns. She has been a habitual non-discloser on this and other issues.”
–Obama advisor David Axelrod
Obama is finally asking Clinton some questions–here’s a few more he should ask:
Your husband made controversial pardons at the end of his term. Did you have anything to do with those pardons–especially Marc Rich and the Hasidim in upstate New York? If so, will you release any documents, etc. on them? If not, do you denounce and reject those pardons?
You and your husband have refused to release the donor list from his Presidential library, leading many to think that payoffs for political favors, including the pardons, were funneled through the Library. Will you release those records, and will you pledge that, if elected, your Library’s books will be open and transparent? and
Will you finally release your White House papers that the Clinton Library has refused to release?
Fair questions, I think– all of which relate to her supposed governmental experience and honesty
Obama has been trying to avoid gong negative but unfortunately there is little choice when Clinton’s negatives, such as those you mention, represent some of the major reasons between them.
The problem is that many people lump all manners of going negative together. It is one thing for Obama to raise these real issues (even if seen as going negative). This would be far different from Clinton’s way of going negative by distorting Obama’s positions. Unfortunately whenever Obama brings up real issues, Clinton supporters have been successful in convincing some that the types of negative campaigning are really the same when they are quite different.
In the March 4th issue of the Chicago Tribune, in an article by Andrew Zajac, with a title “Bill Clinton’s Midas touch” subtitled “Stock deal benefiting his foundation among shrouded successes” there is the following quote from the Clinton campaign, “Retroactively revising the rules would be unfair.” This quote was in regard to the fact that past contributors to the Clinton Presidential Library, which was paid for by the Clinton Foundation, gave with the “understanding that they may remain anonymous as provided by law.” Lets see if the Clinton campaign sticks with the unfairness of “retroactivly revising the rules” when it comes to seating the Michigan and/or Florida delegates to the primary.
For the full text of the above article:
I must add that I am a registered subscriber of the Tribune Website, and the article may not be availabe to non-registered readers.