Remember the Hillary Clinton cleavage controversy from last summer? Clinton has successfully found a way to take all attention away from her cleavage, as long as Natalie Portman sticks with her and remains firm in her support.
Remember the Hillary Clinton cleavage controversy from last summer? Clinton has successfully found a way to take all attention away from her cleavage, as long as Natalie Portman sticks with her and remains firm in her support.
I see Natalie Portman portraying Hillary in the Lifetime miniseries of her life.
I find it hard to believe that Portman didn’t look in the mirror before going out that day. It’s entirely too obvious.
I wouldn’t describe it as “too obvious.” Perhaps “pleasantly obvious.”
Most likely this minor wardrobe malfunction is something she should have seen. Before blaming Natalie Portman I’d also consider the possibilities that things look different from the light of a flash as opposed to in her mirror at home, or possibly even that the picture was photoshopped.
Nice nips! What’s the big deal? I like it.
You realize this is a post from 2007? I had totally forgotten about that controversy. See the links if you are interested.