Donald Trump has many accurate comments about George Bush and the people around him. There’s little doubt that if he had George Bush in the board room, this would conclude with “You’re fired.”
Donald Trump has many accurate comments about George Bush and the people around him. There’s little doubt that if he had George Bush in the board room, this would conclude with “You’re fired.”
Here’s a poem which is well worth checking out: The Return of the Liberal.
This says in verse what I’ve often written in posts here: Liberalism as described by Rush Limbaugh and the right wing noise machine is quite different from what liberals actually believe. Following is a portion of the poem, but I recommend reading it in full:
You want what? Another hearing?
Make it quick, I’m short of time.
Just now I’m going crazy
Hanging on to my last dime.
You say you have sound notions
For my paycheck that’s gone flat,
And help for needy elders?
I could maybe vote for that.
You say you’ll lower taxes
For the middle class and poor,
Instead of puffing up the rich
I’m listening, tell me more.
From Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force to Bush’s shifting of Medicare dollars to Medicare Advantage Plans to the K-Street Project, the economic policies of modern Republicans are much more characteristic of fascism than of capitalism. Larisa Alexandrovna shows that fascism may be “genetic” in the Bush family.
The connection between Prescott Bush and Nazi Germany has been well known. A BBC Documentary shows that Prescott Bush was also part of an attempt in 1933 to overthrow FDR and replace him with a fascist government:
The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.
Mike Thomson investigates why so little is known about this biggest ever peacetime threat to American democracy.
Since the 1930’s there have been three serious threats to our democratic system of government: the 1933 coup attempt, Watergate, and the erosion of liberties under George Bush. The Bush family was directly involved in two out of three.
The video above appears to be a satire of the paranoia of the religious right, except the producers believe this is a “brilliant 2-minute commercial.” From A Fool’s Heart:
American Vision is launching a relentless and systematic response to militant atheism. We’ve produced a brilliant 2-minute commercial that we plan to broadcast globally via the Internet and Television. Atheists present themselves as enlightened and civil. But this new commercial will reveal the shocking truth to viewers. The French Revolution, Communism, Nazism, etc. have taught us that the atheistic worldview will inevitably lead to the persecution of Christians and the killing of anyone who gets in the way. What’s worse is that atheism is paving a wide road for Islam to advance in our nation and around the world.
Among the absurdities of this commercial, they take a tremendous leap to compare modern atheists to Robespierre and the Reign of Terror in France. The major flaw in this argument is that Robespierre was a believer in god who sent atheists to the guillotine. Of course we cannot expect any sensible arguments from people who put out a commercial which expresses disagreement with the view that “evolution is a fact” or sees atheism as paving a road for Islam.