Amy Sherman-Palladino And The Real Ending To Gilmore Girls

Amy Sherman-Palladino isn’t revealing her planned ending, and four final words, for The Gilmore Girls yet. If this is true, it will be worth waiting to find out what those words are. Michael Ausiello reports in Wednesday’s column that she is looking at making a two-hour movie to properly tie up the series. From the column:

OK, here’s the deal: Yes, I tracked her down, but, no, she did not cough up those elusive four words. But wait — there’s more. And it’s good. No, amazing. No, un-frakkin’-believable. Amazing, even. Wait, did I say that already? Well, it’s true. Because just as I was about to brand her a big ol’ promise-breaker right there in front of all those industry types, Amy explained why she couldn’t divulge her long-ago-planned Gilmore ending. (Gilmore fanatics: This is the time in Sprockets when you either lean on a heavy object or just sit down.) In the next year or two, she hopes to make — wait for it — a two-hour Gilmore Girls TV-movie that ties up all those loose threads! I nearly fell over when she said it — especially given what she told me back in December. (BTW, lest you think Amy was pulling my leg, her partner in life and in showbiz, Dan Palladino, confirmed that a GG reunion pic is something they’re interested in pursuing.) And I wasn’t the only one floored by this development. “She said what?” gasped Scott Patterson after I relayed the information to him over the phone. “I didn’t think she would be interested in doing something like that. But if she says she is, I would seriously consider it.” Alexis Bledel was equally stunned. “A Gilmore Girls reunion?” she said with a laugh. “That’s certainly not something I had thought of doing. That’s really funny, I have no idea how I would feel in a few years. I don’t know, I’m sure the script Amy would write would be great, but I guess I’d have to read it and see how I felt at the time.” Last but not least, Lauren Graham e-mailed me late last night to say, “Could be a fun idea if everyone wanted to do it. I would do it just to get the four final words out of Amy. They torture me.”

Update: One possibility for the final four words is posted here.

Update II: The status of a possible movie and Amy Sherman Palladino’s vague comments on taking Rory on a different path (November 2009).


  1. 1
    Cassie says:

    you need to make a 8th season of gilmore girls cuz it is awesome n u need to show luke n lorelai get married and hav rory marry logan.

  2. 2
    genine knapp says:

    This movie has been an inspiration to myself and all my children. I have two teenagers that really look and see some of lifes challenges and understand the whole single mom thing since it was just us for 10 years. Had my first daughter at 17 so this show really moves me. It was like they were a family to us. even my five year old and my 1 year old will stop doing what they are doing if the show is on just to watch. I have seen these actors and actresses in other movies and they just dont have it. They belong in G.G. They do such a wonderful job at it why would they want to do something else. Its like everything they do isnt really a show. Thats what makes everyone interested. I personally think they should continue making series and not just a movie. But if they have to do a movie than so be it I will just keep watching episode 1 thru 7 and cry and laugh with them. And just start over again. They need to realize this is where they should be!!! And Amy you should never leave them again.

  3. 3
    Ron Chusid says:

    It would be very hard for the stars to be as good in anything else without having Amy Sherman-Palladino’s lines to read.

    Last we saw, Rory went off to Iowa to cover the Obama campaign. I assume she has followed him through the primaries. Will she continue covering him at the White House?

  4. 4
    julie from Australia says:

     As much as luke is essential to the story line I was moved to tears with Lorelai & Christophers beautiful scenes in Paris. It felt right and was so beautiiful and I felt so sad for their dreams from the past to fail.  Luke can be so bossy and annoying and the sweet pain of the two young lovers almost making it work after 20 years was a great story line, And I wanted them to win.

     Rory go Rory she is so young and strong that we will want her to fullfill her own dreams and wishes before any stinky ol boy. loved the show watched over all the years. I want to hear the final four words too.
    You rock Amy

  5. 5
    me says:

    the only thing i liked about the last season was that rory dumped logan.
    the last episode wasn’t terrible, but luke & lorelai should’ve gotten back together long before that. the awkwardness between them for the whole season was ridiculous.
    i am dying for this movie to show me how the show was supposed to end (and what those four words are…)

  6. 6
    Ron Chusid says:

    I haven’t heard anything more about them picking up the Gilmore Girls story in a movie or anywhere else for quite a while. Hopefully the idea is still alive.

    By the way, if Gilmore Girls remained for an additional season (still without Amy Sherman-Palladino) it isn’t certain that the break up with Logan was permanent. I’ve read that they did discuss appearnces in some episodes with Matt Czuchry. This may or may not have meant they would have had Logan get back with Rory. 

  7. 7
    Cristyl says:

    Please bring them back for a 2 hour movie. This has been the best television in my adult life and I am almost 50. I love the characters and would love to be able to see them on a weekly basis again. I know that is not possible or is it?
    There is so much more they could do with these characters. LD and LG need to be together and start their own family even though LD was more of a father figure to her than CH ever was.
    I believe there is also a possiblity that they could get Michele a girl friend. LOL
    I miss Babette, Miss Patti, Kirk, Taylor, Gypsey, Sooke, Jackson and everyone else in Stars Hollow.

  8. 8
    Elitsa Petrova says:

    My name is Elitsa and I`m 30 years old. I`m from Bulgaria. In our televisions I watched the first season of GG and then I found it in the net. I have already seen almost all the series and I also thinh that it would be a great idea to be made a 2 hours movie. For me it will be great to see Rory and Jess again together. I think that in the movie he was her Big Love. I don`t like Logan at all. And the story of L and Luke should be continued.

    I appologize for my english 🙂

  9. 9
    Maria says:

    I adore this show. It is by far one of the most intelligent shows, a true challenge for the viewer. Fun, smart, sharp, quite realistic (except for a few things, but that just adds to its charm).
    I was really disappointed to see the Sherman-Palladino duo leave the show, and a true GG-lover could notice it.
    And yes, it feels like there should be more to come.
    So, I am all up  for a TV movie!!! (needless to say with the original cast)
    Go Amy!

  10. 10
    Ron Chusid says:


    Gilmore Girls sure maintains a devoted following. In addition to occasional comments such as yours to various posts which mentioned the show, it also remains a popular search string which leads people to posts here.

    The show was fun, smart, and sharp. While it was sometimes realistic, that was not a prominent characteristic of the show. So many of the things which made the show entertaining were somewhat unrealistic, including such idealistic views of family life and small towns. I most liked the show for the fast paced dialog which was also unrealistic. Few if any people can think on their feet to rapidly speak as the characters often did.

  11. 11
    Maria says:

    With regard to the “realistic/nonrealistic” aspect… What I meant Ron was… while I am aware that it is in fact a show, and thus fiction, it treated some very real, very deep relationships issues – family, friends, lovers, etc. And I thought they were all very well developed. And yes, I realize that so many cute characteristics of the series were in fact quite unrealistic (there is no way that a girl can have such a “deep fried” daily diet and look like Alexis or Lauren :-)… for example). But it felt very realistic to me because of the characters and the relationships built among them.
    The wit, the fast paced dialogues PACKED with smart references and so many punch lines are a TREAT. Even for me, a non-native English speaker, though with quite a high level of knowledge, not only of the English language but also music, pop culture, literature, etc. I really love the show and even though I know that it couldn’t go on “forever”, I would’ve wanted to see the original creator’s ending. Sort of a… an authentic “wrap up” of what was an excellent product. Again, KUDOS to Amy Sherman-Palladino.

  12. 12
    jessica says:

    This tv show has helped me so much i am a 16 year old girl and my mom died a few years back and when i started watching this show i didnt feel as alone  i guess it was just seeing the mom and daughter relation ship i had but it all ended when she died i just want to thank amy for making this show it has helped me through all the tuff times in my life

  13. 13
    Bryan says:

    I am a huge fan of GG and it broke my heart when Amy left and couldn’t stand the last season. A GG movie would be spectacular!!… but an 8th season would be even better!!
    I hope 2009 will bring the reunion of the most wonderful mother-daughter relationship to be found.  I think Amy could make a spectacular ending (including the last four words…)

  14. 14
    Anonymous says:

    Please please please let this be true…please (please)

  15. 15
    Chelsea says:

    I’m jonesing so bad for GG!  I watch it over and over and over again – which I know is a little obsessive, but thats how I roll.  I still don’t think that season 7 was what it could be, but it did get me through junior high, high school, and my first year at university.  If I didn’t have the dvds I’d go crazy.  With that said, AMY PLEASE PLEASE MAKE THIS MOVIE SOON!  I CANNOT MAKE IT THROUGH GRAD SCHOOL ON MY OWN!  

  16. 16
    Lindsey van Niekerk says:

    Gilmore Girls is my all time favorite show.  I own all 7 seasons and my husband even loves it too.  We watch it when we need a “fix” of happy insanity!! 🙂

    I would so love to see a movie set about 5 years later with Lorelai and Luke HAPPILY MARRIED and Rory and Jess connecting and getting together.  Logan was cool, but Jess “got” her like no one else ever did….would be fun to see how Amy would write it….

    PLEASE DO IT!!!  GG fans like me world wide would be SO HAPPY!!!

  17. 17
    Helen from the UK says:

    Hi, I’m a great fan of the Gilmore Girls, I watch it endlessly, what a fabulous cast.  I love the ‘quirks’ of all the characters.
    Amy, if you read any of these responses, please please please, make the movie, and how about a book about the  GG’s, with your thoughts on the last episode, air your feelings! the ups and downs, add photos, the sets of Stars Hollow, The dragonfly,  upstaris Laureli’s  house, babettes house etc.
    I think you would have a best seller.

  18. 18
    Patti says:

    I started watching the first season of GG because my schedule happened to allow it and I thought that the writing was ingenious.  I was not able to watch it for the next six seasons due to my schedule.  Recently, my neice gave me all seven seasons.  I am not one that can commit to anything long term on tv but I remembered how much I enjoyed the first season and watched from beginning to end.  Amy is the most ingenious writer I have seen in many, many years.  She mixes the knowledge of pop culture and formal education with emotion and realistic events of the human condition.  I applaud her casting talent as every character in this show was an ensemble.  There is a huge amount of talent in this show and I have great respect for Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson for their hard work and natural chemistry.  I also loved Sean Gunn.  He is an amazing talent.  I hope that Amy and the powers that be can come up with an opportunity to tie up this story in the way that it was intended to be.

  19. 19
    Kati says:

    Hi! I’m writing from Estonia. Sorry mein English!! Please make a movie. Please!! I’m thinking all the time about Gilmore Girls. Its so meni people hwo need this movie, need to see that happy ending is possible.

  20. 20
    Danny says:

    I started watching Gilmore Girls two months ago – after giving in to the pressures of the reruns on TV. At first I was skeptical; how could a show possibly live up to all that has been said about it.
    Now, after watching the final episode, all I have to say is that everyone on the set of GG is a genius!!! The show is amazing, witty, hilarious, dramatic and very unpredictable. The series finale really tied up loose ends for me, even though I am really curious to know what Amy’s plans for it were. I especially liked the last shot with the camera zooming away slowly as we see Lorelai and Rory talking with a cup of coffee while Luke is tidying up the diner behind them. I cried so much while the credits ran – I couldn’t believe that it was all over!

    So, what I’m trying to say is – Amy, if you’re reading this: Just because the show ended a while back doesn’t mean that people don’t care anymore. On the contrary, the fact that you gave us time to muse over the ending only strengthened our will for something more. Please, please, please, PLEASE make this movie – for all us fans out here and for the lovely Gilmore Girls. They deserve it, you deserve it and we deserve it.

  21. 21
    Ron Chusid says:

    It is extremely unlikely that Amy S-P is reading this, but you are certainly right that people still care about the series. Various posts on the show, such as this, continue to receive a lot of traffic and comments. 

    The longer we go from the post without seeing anything done, the more pessimistic I become than we will ever see Gilmore Girls concluded the way Amy S-P wanted. Besides, are the sets even around? It just wouldn’t be the same without the familiar Stars Hallows background.

  22. 22
    shannon says:

    YES! PLEASE have a 2 hr long gilmore girls movie because the fans need it!!! Amy will make the perfect one too!

  23. 23
    angel says:

    I was not happy with the way things ended.  It was not the same without Amy.  I would LOVE to see a 2 hour movie to see the true ending.

  24. 24
    Lisa says:

    I love the show, the characters, the humor, absolutely everything about it. It is my calgon take me away! It is where I can be for an hour and just crawl into it. I laugh outloud and cry when it tugs at my heart strings. I look forward to it every day rerun or not and I have the season 7 DVD’s that I received for Christmas and I look forward to getting the other  seasons.  The movie would be awesome! Bring it on!

  25. 25
    candice says:

    i would love for them to make a season 8 and not a movie keep people in waiting to see if luke ends up with lorlie. i was so mad when they took it off the air because of alexas b , she did not want to do it any more and i was so up set. every one loves this show and i SAY SEASON 8 NOW PEOPLE WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR ?????????????

  26. 26
    rosie says:

    I want to see a movie so bad! I love Gilmore Girls, and I thought that the final episode was amazing–it was so full of love, it still makes me cry and become a basket case every time I see it. BUT once you look under the surface, I see that there is so much pain there that was never fixed or mended.
    I mostly want to see a movie though, because Amy made such an amazing legacy with the show, she really created an incredible thing! And I think that it deserves to end the way that she had wanted it to end, and I feel like that was the way it was meant to end. There was so much in the show that was affected by things happening in the real world–like Rory and Jess’s relationship was cut short by Milo’s desire to be in Heroes, and Amy’s desire to make a spin-off series (which never came through). I think that making a movie would really let them tie up all the loose ends that were caused by the fact that it was on network television–a movie would be more reliable. I am content with the ending, but at the same time, I know that Amy deserves to finish it the way she had wanted–after creating this marvelous gift for us.

  27. 27
    Maddie says:

    I think you should make a season 8-20000000000000000 then a movie I want to be able to watch Gilmore Girls every day of my life. At least make a season 8 and 9 before the movie.

  28. 28
    Anna says:

    Rosie, Amy didn’t leave because she wanted to do something else! WB were too stingy to give her and her husband a 2yr contract (they had one year contracts and were working non-stop since the show began to fit it all in). Also they refused her extra staff, writers and a set manager! Those were totally reasonable requests for such a successful show.
    If I had the money, I would personally finance the whole thing and provide her with everything she wants! It would totally be worth it from all perspectives, including financial.
    Please don’t stop Amy! You are the best out there!

  29. 29
    Janelle says:

    It would be a dream come true if Amy did season 8+.  We can hang!  It would be such a treat after too long without it.  Gilmore in perpetuity sounds nice to me.  🙂

  30. 30
    Lys says:

    OMG! A 2 hour GG movie to tie up loose ends=answer to my friggin prayers!!! 

  31. 31
    Shelby says:

    I think there should be a season 8 and then a movie. Gilmore Girls is my favorite sow. I have all the seasons of Gilmore Girls and I watch it every single day. I LOVE it!!!!! It is an awsome show and I wish it would just keep going and Amy would make more and more shows. Please make more seasons!!!!!!!!!

  32. 32
    Leticia Ristic says:

    I would love it if Amy wrote a 2 hour movie. I started watching it when it first began. For some reason I couldn’t watch any more. Now I have found it again and watch all the time. I love the way L.G. and R. G. get along. I just want to see Luke and Lorilia be happy together. And the Stars Hallow clan back. Please say its so!

  33. 33
    Eleonore says:

    I hope to see The L. and G. story again. And I think it will, as all these responses from fans all over the world at least in Germany and US, show. But people! Never forget your own impact in this world. A fiction will never be a substitute to life. And I hope, if Amy Sherman-Palladino ever continues the Gilmore Girls Saga, that she will create something really special, that will take all these Hopes of the fans in account, aswell as it will fire on the creativity of all those raw diamonds around. That the consuming people can also be creating something for others. This is much more satisfying. So you Jesses, don´t be sitting around watching TV!

  34. 34
    jennGGfan says:

    So, it’s July, 2009 and just watching the first season of GG on ABCfam for the 100th time. I googled Amy and found this. I, like you all, want more. I need Amy to have a web site that I can follow her endeavors, because I respect her writing and wit more than any other movie/tv writer today.  Yes, I am dramatic, but when you fuse pop culture (w/irony),  great music, and broadway musical references…I’m sold!  Amy, if you’re out there…please write a new show and sell it to a studio that doesn’t force you to have a laugh track (like TRoJJ).  Favorite Amy quote: “I need to find a retarded kid and teach him how to play softball.”  That could be an incorrect quote, but that’s how I remember it, love it, and laugh with it.  It was the previous quote,  I caught while clicking away on the remote, that introduced me to GG.  I was sold.  Thanks Amy!  (BTW: when Amy left, the last season was AWFUL! Not because of the actors, but the writing.  Jokes were forced, puns WERE intended, and conversations lacked the Star’s Hallow “Twin Peaks” quirky quality.)

  35. 35
    Debby J. Sclafani says:

    I am so glad I am not alone….It is awesome to read that so many others, like me are totally wrapped up in the GG series. The majority of us are intelligent adults. I wish there was a way to reach Amy, or by some prayer she would be lead to read all of what we took the time to write…She has touched so many of us, in a tremendous way, and I wonder if she really knows…I never heard exactly what happened, I just started to notice that things changed around Stars Hollow, one most obvious was the music, the street singer, seemed to disappear, along with the wittiness that is Amy’s alone. It is so sad in a real world, that people cannot get along to be in agreement over a contract. When all is said and done, we won’t remember how much we were paid, how much staff we had, or how much repect we received, what will matter is the hearts we touched, and the difference we made in someone lives, and the legacy we left behind…Please Jesus, help Amy know that the story is one that needs to be told. It is piercing hearts, and millions are living through it. The characters are great, and I hope the actors have a appreciation for their roles, however if  they need to see how they will “feel” when the time comes, or how the script “reads”….Than I say  Amy… grab yourself another actor, because it is the character that is great, and a story that needs to live on, no matter what the obstacle, just write on, and follow the dream and vision that has been in your heart from the start! If your listening,  please let us know.

  36. 36
    jennifer says:

    Please make the movie… we  all want to know the last four words and see lorelia & luke and rory & logan back together, we need to check in on suki & jackson, lane & zack, emily & richard, miss patty & babette … and find out what kurt is up.there all a part of the family…

  37. 37
    Ron Chusid says:

    I’m not very optimistic that they will ever be able to get the cast and sets back to film such a movie if they have not already started it. Even if there is a movie the situations where it would pick up would be conducive to ending the movie as Amy S-P planned to end the show with the same final words.

    If she isn’t going to do something with this, I wish she would at least give an interview and discuss how she planned to continue the show before she left and how she planned to end it. I could see that she wouldn’t want to interfere with the show while on by giving a conflicting plot line, but now that it has been off the air for a while there is no reason not to.

  38. 38
    Linda Coates says:

    Never heard of GG until my granddaughter recommended it on Netflix.  Found myself hooked after first episode and am still waiting for the ending.  Come on Amy and cast…leaving unfinished storyline is like coitus interruptus.  I didn’t know there was another mother like me in the world (Emily’s character).

  39. 39
    Samantha says:

    Please bring us a movie atleast. I find it highly unlikely that they would do a season eight after all this time(unfortunately)

    If not that Amy needs to tell us her sights and ideas for the last series, we need those last four words.

  40. 40
    Ron Chusid says:

    The four final words are, “Rory, you were adopted.”

    (Before anyone goes nuts, this is a joke).

  41. 41
    Kimberley says:

    I am a mom of seven children, four being daughters. My daughters and I would sit down as a family and spend time together watching the show and just chatting. My husband and the boys would laugh at us and our “girl time”. It is very apparent that 2 years later the GG still have hard core followers. If the writers can not find things to write about, that would new and exciting; I would be more than happy to provide them with ideas.

    There is no good quality shows on TV anymore. I am sick to death of talk shows, reality television and other narcissistic  shows that are called entertainment.

  42. 42
    Eclectic Radical says:

    ‘There is no good quality shows on TV anymore.’
    I recommend (for adults, these aren’t always children’s fare) Bones, Burn Notice, Castle, and House very highly.
    For more family entertainment, I recommend Leverage. While far more modern in tone, Leverage taps into many of the classic traditions of shows like Mission Impossible and the A-Team… with the Saint thrown in.

  43. 43
    Renee says:

    I am sooooo happy to learn that I am not alone. It’s very hard to explain to a “non-watcher” of Gilmore Girls exactly what it is about the show that draws you in, but it does. I’ve been watching it for years. I have seen every episode so many times that I could probably do a one-man show on broadway and reinact the entire series. I ache inside as I await ASP to make some kind of announcement or interview on how the show was supposed to end.

  44. 44
    Anna says:

    Oh How I miss it! A 2 hour movie would be a blessing!
    I still watch the seasons over and over when I am feeling down!

  45. 45
    Tamy says:

    Hello from Spain
    I need to see the true end, the end that AMY SP wrote. I would love that never ends, it is a great show. I support all the ideas to redisplay Gilmore girls in action.

  46. 46
    Donna says:

    As a grandmother, mother, daughter and wife, I found the Gilmore Girls to bring a pleasant smile to my face with each episode.  In this world of violence and chaos, knowing that I could watch the episodes with my middle grandson and my husband each week gave me a sense of peace.  It was so easy to identify with the characters because they were fantastic!  I truly miss the series and I do watch each episode over on the Family channel.  It was a very difficult year, 2007, with my brother’s passing at 51 years old and the ending of my favorite program of all time.  It would truly be wonderful for a movie or some new episodes to be created to bring to a conclusion the wonderful series.  

  47. 47
    Jessica says:

    It’s difficult for me to put into words what Gilmore Girls means to me. When my grandmother was in the hospital, and my mom was there with her, and I couldn’t go to her because I was sick and wouldn’t have made her sicker for the world, I re-watched Season 1 over and over again – and through GG, I could feel my mother and my grandmother there with me.
    Shortly before my husband and I started dating, I introduced him to the girls, and he would watch them in his apartment via Netflix. I’d find out what episode he was watching, put it in from the Season 1 set (that my mom gave me with a post-it-note that still adorns the case: To my Rory, From her Lorelai), and we would “watch it together,” texting back and forth great quotes as we went along.
    Mom bought me 2 seasons, my husband (then boyfriend) bought me 2, and the other 3 I bought for myself.
    When my husband proposed, he did so with “music playing, and romantic lighting, and a subtle buildup to the popping of the big question . . . a thousand yellow daisies, and candles, and a horse”  (and a beautiful poem he had written, and the exact ring I’d fallen in love with years before but never told him about.)
    When my grandma was back in the hospital dying, and we took shifts staying at her bedside so she wouldn’t be alone when she took her last breath, as my fiance and I sat there for hours, he brought a little DVD player with the girls for comfort, and we had it playing softly so we could hear grandma breathing, and watched Rory graduate from Chilton, with Luke blubbering, and me blubbering, half from Rory’s speech, and half from sitting there watching my grandma dying.
    And 8 months later, when Grandpa decided he didn’t want to end up in a hospital, and there we were again, taking shifts through the night, with grandpa gasping for each breath in his sleep, and me and my husband with the little DVD player and the girls, episode after episode, pausing every few moments to see if Grandpa was in any pain or distress that we could somehow alleviate.
    Lorelai and Rory were the only people we brought with us when we went on our honeymoon, and then on a trip to Canada to see the only living grandparent either of us has left…
    My husband and I have introduced countless people to the girls and to all the inhabitants of Stars Hollow, some who have gone on to become die-hard fans.
    My mom stopped watching when Rory slept with Dean. Ow. And two nights ago, when we’d watched the episode where Lorelai marries Chris, and began the next episode, my husband started fast-forwarding, saying, “This is the only way I’m gonna get through this stupid story arc.” Shortly thereafter, he snapped the TV off, saying that they had ruined the show and he couldn’t stand to watch any more. In a few minutes he found me crying in the other room and I told him how, despite all the ways that the story had gone wrong, Gilmore Girls was such an important part of what we shared, and I had wanted to press on in spite of it all, sharing the few wonderful moments the show had left. He agreed to watch the rest “for us,” and let me know that his reaction was because he hated to see something he’d come to care about so much so obviously twisted around for sweeps weeks, etc.
    I will say that the series finale, did a lot to redeem what had been done to my beloved world…but still…I knew it didn’t end the way it was intended to…the way it needed to…
    Over the last year I have lost so many loved ones, both in death, and those who have not just let our friendship fade, but have, in essence, dropped off the face of the earth, leaving so many loose ends in the form of heartstrings rent apart… And, in a sense, the inhabitants of Stars Hollow have joined them. Things were not left as they should be. They did not stay true to themselves. And, in that sense, they left me too. They had been “there for me” through so much, and like about a dozen other pillars in my life this year, they “just left.”
    Amy . . . if there is any way on earth you can give us “THE ENDING,” complete with your last 4 words, it would be a healing. It would mean so much.
    To Amy, to Lauren, to Alexis, to Scott, and to all the many, many others who would need to get on board to make a Gilmore Girls movie that would set things right……………………………please…………………just please.

  48. 48
    Linda Brooks says:

    » Amy Sherman-Palladino And The Real Ending To Gilmore Girls…

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