A Republican View of Conservative Blogs

This makes for an excellent follow up on my recent post on the weaknesses of conservatives on line. There’s at least one Republican who doesn’t take them seriously:

“I really don’t pay much attention to blogs,” he said. “You can say anything on those blogs without any attribution and get away with it.”

Liberal blogs have been influential, the Georgia lawmaker acknowledged. But he dismissed their conservative counterparts, saying, “I don’t pay any attention to them.”

John Linder, member of the House GOP Steering Committee


  1. 1
    citizen says:

    ok u have the blogs we have talk radio, so what.

  2. 2
    Ron Chusid says:


    There’s a huge difference between talk radio and blogs. Talk radio appeals to the conservative mind set which disregards all facts which contradict their viewpoint. Talk radio listeners just hear the same talking points being repeated.

    The web is about open flow of information. Conservatives do not do as well in such a situation.

  3. 3
    citizen says:

    i just think libs have more computers jk

  4. 4
    Ron Chusid says:


    You may be right. There probalby is a correlation between characteristics of Democratic voters and owning more computers, such as greater education. Republicans are increasingly limited to conning the unintelligent and uneducated, and these groups probably do have less computers than Democratic viewers.

  5. 5
    battlebob says:

    Conservatives (per Lakoff) tend to be more authoritarian. They want the wise, strong ruler to tell them what to do. Thinking for self is not allowed. Adherence to authority is the rule. There is no social part of responsibilty. If Bush screws up, forget about it…plow ahead and let the mindless dieing continue.
    If Dems screw up, they try to make amends with those who they wronged.
    Bush went into Iraq based on lies with no moral compact as morality never plays into doing what you want. Morality is only used as a prop to get the sheeples to follow you, then quickly discarded like any other severed limb.

  6. 6
    citizen says:

    ok, our founding fathers would be concidered rep thease days as would fdr truman and kennedy the dems are not even close to the same god fearing strong on defence as they used to be. they controled this country until reagan came.and since then we have pushed this country were it is.if libs had there way we would still be fighting cold war.center right country my friend

  7. 7
    Ron Chusid says:

    Strong on defense? It was the Democrats who were advocating action against al Qaeda for years before 9/11, and Republicans who blocked this. It was the Republcians who ignored all the warnings of an impending attack. It was the Republicans who screwed up the response to 9/11.

    Beng “strong on defense” is BS. The problem is that the Republicans have been stupid on defense. In recent years, only the Democrats have been both smart and strong on defense.

  8. 8
    citizen says:

    saying dems are strong on defence is like a oxy moron. al qaeda hammered us 4 years with no responce from clinton. he cut our intel so mutch our cia was hamstringed under dems. clinton had oppertunaties to kill usama bin laden and didnt. thats a fact. dems play defence and only react to our enemy.while rep play offence and we havent been hit since 9 11. proof is in the pudding.if a dem is elected and tries to roll back all bushs tough measures on terrorists quit tapping them give them geniva rights have a diologe with terrorist states and we get hit again this country will wish bush was back in office. just like this nation was elated bush was pres when we were hit and not al gore. dems would have had the fbi all over it. and started diplomatic discussions with al qaeda asking them why there so mad. and to please not do it again.and we will leave the middle east right now. bush wont be running in 08 so u cant use him like a punching bag.it will be on subctance were dems have no leg to stand on.

  9. 9
    Ron Chusid says:


    You need to review the actual history, not the Orwellian view spread by the Republican bloggers. Check out the Terrorism tag here for some references.

  10. 10
    citizen says:

    idont read rep blogs just yours bud.

  11. 11
    Ron Chusid says:

    You sure pick up those conservative talking points somewhere.

    Maybe you should do some real reading, including the linked references to the posts, and learn something.

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