The best political ad of the season isn’t on television and (as far as we know) isn’t even by a professional. Nobody knows who came up with this variation on the classic Apple ad to attack Hillary Clinton. The ad ends with “BarackObama.com” but the San Francisco Examiner reports that Obama’s campaign denies involvement. More likely the attack on Hillary came from either a supporter unaffiliated with the campaign, or from someone who wanted to both “call Hillary Clinton a pabulum-spewing pseudo-fascist” and possibly also create headaches for Obama’s campaign.
Regardless of who made this, it sure does sum up the feelings of many about Hillary Clinton as compared to Obama’s new look. In 2004 the Swift Boat Liars placed an ad on a small number of television stations knowing that the right wing noise machine, and later the mainstream media, would show the ad to millions, giving them a tremendous amount of publicity at a minimal cost. Now it isn’t even necessary to pay to put the ad up anywhere. Anybody with a computer and a powerful enough message can get publicity just by posting to You Tube.