Last week Doctor Who ended with The Doctor sensing a storm of global proportions coming. Tonight the second season ends with two episodes, Army of Ghosts and Doomsday, which involve the Daleks and Cybermen turning the Earth into a battlefield. The Doctor must make a great sacrifice to protect the Earth.
Perhaps the Daleks and Cyberman could be seen as robots fighting for their rights. As previously discussed (here and here) the British government has commissioned a report on the ramifications of artificial intelligence.
Every morning Brett Hopper woke up and it was the same morning again–the morning in which he was framed for murder. The cycle ended this week as Brett Hopper did not awaken on that day but it wasn’t due to solving the mystery. ABC pulled Daybreak due to poor ratings. Wednesday doesn’t appear to be a good day for shows other than Lost as The Nine has also been placed on hiatus, with claims that the remaining episodes will be shown later this season. ABC has mentioned plans to release the remainder of the episodes of Daybreak in some other format, such as streaming video or DVD.
Alternatives to conventional broadcasts have become increasingly common this season. I caught Heroes on the SciFi Channel after missing its network premiere, and watched the first half of the season of Jerhico on streaming video. Last summer I caught some of this season’s episodes of Doctor Who thanks to bit torrent but soon such shows will even be available legally as the BBC has announced plans to make many of its shows available on file sharing sites.
The title for the final Harry Potter book has been revealed: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The title has fueled speculation that Harry would be killed off in the final installment.
For those who prefer more politically oriented books, although from the right, The Los Angeles Times reviewed several conservative dystopias:
Be afraid, conservatives. If you survived the victory speeches of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and allowed yourself to think, “Things can’t get any worse,” get over it. They can.
Two years from now, terrorists under the banner of the “Progressive
Restoration” will take over Manhattan in a larger attempt to overthrow the government. Thirteen years later, President Chelsea Clinton and Vice President Michael Moore will haul out the good White House china for Osama bin Laden’s state visit. By fiddling with your radio, you may be able to catch an underground broadcast by Sean Hannity. If you own a radio, that is; folks living in states that are under Sharia law won’t even be that lucky.
These aren’t my fantasies or nightmares. All of these vignettes are ripped from science fiction thrillers that have hit shelves in just the last 18 months. Sharia comes to the United States in Robert Ferrigno’s potboiler, “Prayers for the Assassin.” In Joel C. Rosenberg’s “Last Jihad” trilogy, a steel-spined U.S. president nukes Baghdad, then combats a Russo-Iranian axis, all in fulfillment of Scripture (or so we’re told in the nail-biting third book, “The Ezekiel Option”). Hannity and his stone-jawed sidekick, G. Gordon Liddy, battle the Clinton restoration in Mike Mackey and Donny Lin’s comic book, “Liberality for All.” The Second American Civil War is breaking out in Orson Scott Card’s “Empire” (book out now, video game on the way).
If it all sounds a little strange and crazed, that’s because it is. The right’s sleep of reason is bringing forth dark, futuristic political thrillers.
A bit off topic, but I couldn’t end without mentioning that Matel has announced that they will be making a Hillary Duff Barby Doll. Although Duff has moved beyond her Lizzy McGuire days, I find the concept of a Hillary Duff Barbie Doll to be strangely redundant.
SciFi Friday is a weekly feature of Liberal Values. This week’s edition was a Featured Post at Memeorandum on Friday afternoon.